Learning to Program with Pyglet

For the SLCPy Meetup April 6, 2016


Dylan Gregersen


How do we learn?

This talk focuses on two major ways people learn to program: 


Building-Block Learning and Explorative Learning

print("Hello World")

Learning from Building Blocks

What I think of for traditional class-room/tutorial type teaching. The student learns the basics of:

  • variables
  • data structures
  • control structures
  • design patterns


And along the way students build

cool stuff and become programming gurus 

Explorative Learning

(main take-away for this talk)

Explorative learning is what I think of when a student gets something functioning and tinkers to learn how it works

Explorative Learning

My love of programming grew out of exploration 

case: I started really programming by 

modifying SPECTRE (Fortan77), software used for astronomy


case: I also learned by taking html/css and modifying pieces until it looked how I wanted


case: How about you?

       (queue audience interaction)

Explorative Learning

Benefits of this type of learning include:

  • seeing a working example
  • the ability can focus on structure 
  • different way to learn relationships of the building-blocks
  • learn about another developer's thought process and creativity

With Explorative Learning in mind

let's talk about Pyglet

What is Pyglet?

Pyglet is a python interface for creating games across Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux using OpenGL


  • renders graphics
  • plays sounds
  • controls game update loop
  • handles sprite/object interactions
  • handles signals from keyboard/mouse

Why Pyglet?

Library choices for making games in python:

  • Pyglet : cleanest interface and easy to install but small community
  • Pygame : probably largest community, most examples but not simple to get started
  • Panda3D : Optimized for 3D games but has steep learning curve
  • Blender : an open-source 3D modeling tool with a Python-scriptable game engine

I chose pyglet for this tutorial because it is easy to get running and I wanted to increase the number of examples for it

I started a git repo of simple games using pyglet


It contains working projects which can be explored and also spun off into their own repos

|- pyglet_projects/
    |- README.md
    |- spinoff_projects.md
    |- projects/
        |- asteroids/
        |- mind_sweeper_basic/
        |- snake_with_basic/

Pyglet Projects: Snake

I implemented a version of the classic game: snake

cd projects/snake_basic
python3 run.py

Step 1 of exploration is to just see what it does and how it behaves




Step 2 is to open it up and tinker

(show and tell time)

Pyglet Projects: Snake

Step 1 of exploration is to just see what it does and how it behaves

Step 2 is to open it up and tinker


Modification examples:

  • changing colors
  • change game speed
  • change board size
  • make snake invincible
  • can I make the snake go diagonal?

Pyglet Projects: Mine-sweeper

Step 1 of exploration is to just see what it does and how it behaves

Step 2 is to open it up and tinker


Modification examples:

  • changing colors
  • show all bombs

Pyglet Projects: Asteroids

Step 1 of exploration is to just see what it does and how it behaves

Step 2 is to open it up and tinker


Modification examples:

  • Rapid fire mode
  • Asteroid rotation speed
  • Add sounds

Take Aways

Explorative learning should accompany building-blocks learning for when teaching programming

Pyglet projects is an explorative learning resource for both students and teachers


Thank You!

Explorative learning should accompany building-blocks learning for when teaching programming

Pyglet projects is an explorative learning resource for both students and teachers


Dylan Gregersen


Learning to Program with Pyglet

By astrodsg

Learning to Program with Pyglet

Explorative learning is a key method people learn to program. This talk show cases projects developed with the python package pyglet and how they can be used for exploration.

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