What are The Main Types of Arguments
In the academic journey, you might have to write many different essays and research papers. An essay or a paper is composed of different types of sentences, including mainly a thesis statement, topic sentences, evidence, arguments, and supporting sentences. All these types of sentences have different information and structure. Arguments are one of the vital parts of the the research and assignment papers. The foundations of a masterpiece essay or paper cannot be laid upon weaker arguments. Therefore, the arguments must be based on critical thinking and reasoning. You can always ask, “can you write my paper for me?” from professionals.
An argument can be defined as a claim which is supported by a reason. It can also be regarded as a reason or several reasons, which is presented in support of an idea or an action. Therefore, an argument is a group of statements that contain premises or assumptions and have a conclusion.
A weak argument is making an assertion and giving irrelevant reasons or lacking evidence to support your opinion. You should also consider thinking about potential objections to your viewpoint to present a stronger argument.
An argument is usually generated from a difference of opinions and disagreement over viewpoints. Yet you can also use strong argumentation skills to support others’ viewpoints. Giving good arguments improves our critical thinking skills. It also helps us in proving our viewpoint to be valid. All good research papers make strong arguments. Argumentation is important to debate about new knowledge, its confirmation, disconfirmation, and improvement.
Therefore, you can hire a college essay writing service for writing strong arguments.
Following are the main types of arguments. These arguments are used in different situations and according to the needs of your paper. Arguments are the building blocks of paper. Therefore, you can also hire a paper writing service to help you out in writing arguments.
Simple argument
This is the most commonly used and most basic type of argument, presented by beginners. A Simple argument has two premises and a conclusion. These premises are presented in order to support the conclusion. While the conclusion is focused on convincing the readers to accept or believe the writer's viewpoint.
Classical argument
This is also a commonly used argument, also known as the Aristotelian model of argument. Developed by the Greek rhetorician and philosopher Aristotle, it is one of the oldest organizing devices in rhetoric. The classical model of argumentation is used for persuading the readers about a particular viewpoint. The classical argument begins in an interesting way and provides background and context of the topic. It utilizes Ethos, Pathos, and logic to convince the readers.
A classical argument model presents the writer's perspective and the reasons for the topic. The structure is as follows:
Introduction: In the paper which uses the classical model, you need to write a hook statement at the start of the paper. This must be an interesting statement, which should engage the readers. It should also provide a brief background of the topic and should have a strong thesis statement.
Body paragraphs: The paragraphs should have a topic sentence, which is an argument, the facts, and evidence supporting the topic sentence.
Counter arguments: This model also takes opposing arguments into account and then provides reasons and evidence to refute the opposing arguments.
Deductive argument
It is a form of valid reasoning and a top-down approach is used to reach a conclusion. It is initiated with a general hypothesis or a statement and aimed at reaching a specific but logical conclusion. This argument has two premises, followed by an inference.
Inductive argument
Opposite to the deductive argument, it is initiated with a specific statement to find a generally applicable conclusion. It is a bottom-up approach, which formulates tentative hypotheses and ends up finding broader conclusions.
Toulmin argument
This model is adopted for argumentative essays. To analyze the argument, it was developed by British philosopher Stephen Toulmin. This model presents only one side of an argument. This model is used when no absolute solution to a problem or clear truth about an argument is present. This argument has six basic components:
- A claim
- Grounds on which the claim is based
- A warrant or a logic
- Evidence backing
- A qualifier (the degree of certainty)
- A rebuttal (acceptance of the counter-arguments, if the claim is proved untrue)
Although the Toulmin argument claims success with the strongest evidence. Yet, the writer has to prove that the logic presented is real and sound.
Rogerian argument
The Rogerian model is adopted for finding the best possible solution for an issue. The model has a negotiating strategy created by Carl R. Rogers to identify a common goal. This model is used when the writer is trying to provide a middle ground while dealing with the opposing parties. It works best on the grounds of cooperation and collaboration between the opposing parties.
The model takes into account and acknowledges all the different standpoints on the same issue. The structure of the Rogerian model is as follows:
Introduction of the argument and relevant thesis statement.
Acknowledgment of the opposing standpoints.
Writer's perspective about the argument.
Analyze, find, and provide the middle grounds
Conclude by stating the benefits of the newly-found compromised solution.
Since all these types of arguments are technical and harder to handle. It can be a time and energy-consuming activity. Yet you can consult with experts to write essay for me to save yourself from stress.
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What are The Main Types of Arguments
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What are The Main Types of Arguments
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