Jan 20th, 2014
- Motivation
- Clientside templating
- Thick Clients
- Thick Clients vs Thick Servers
- Handlebars.js
- Definition
- Why Handlebars?
- How it works
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Handlebars Overview
- The 3 Main Parts of Handlebars Templating
- Syntax
- Built-in Helpers
- Custom Helpers
- Custom Function Helpers
- Custom Block Helpers
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Javascript: Intermediate level
- HTML: Intermediate level
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
"My site is living in 2001. I have a pantry full of ajax powered spaghetti, and basically everything is a new page refresh. How can I made it slick?"
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Client Side Templating
Generating HTML in the Browser
Generally used alongside with client side frameworks such as Backbone or Ember
What is client side templating?
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Thick client
- What is it?
- 'A computer (client) in client–server architecture that typically provides rich functionality independent of the central server.'
- In other words, it removes some requirements from thick servers.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Thick client Flow
- Server sends Client templates + 'application code'.
- Application code initializes the View.
- As user interacts with the View, JSON data is transferred between client and server.
- Application code applies templates to the data to update the view.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
why use thick clients?
Because there are problems with Thick Servers.
Server may be overkill.
- Often have a gigantic piece of software to implement an application.
- A lot of overhead due to Content Management System just to display some HTML pages.
- Doesn't take advantage of the browser capabilities.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Infrastructure
- Dynamic content can be expensive
- Caching
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Thick servers works under non-optimal
user experience.
- Why?
- Response times
- 0.1 sec: Instantaneous
- 1 sec: Sticky
- 10 sec: What am I doing with my life?!
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Avoids page reloads
- Avoids inefficient architecture
- Better separation of concerns
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Avoids coupling
- Avoids ugly clientside code
- "Good architecture allows future features."
- Yehuda Katz
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
client side Templating BENEFITS
- Avoids HTML generation in JS
- Readable
- Maintainable
- Usable
- Decoupled to the server
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Contributed by Yehuda Kaltz
- Logicless
- Superset of Mustache
- Powerful & extensible
- Fast
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Handlebars.js is a client-side templating engine for JS.
- Handlebars.js has a compiler built with JS that takes any Handlebars template and compiles them to a JS function.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
how it works
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
when TO use it?
Frequent updates to the view, either due to data changes on the server or on the client.
- You have multiple parts of your system dependant on your data from the server, and you want all the parts to process the same data.
- Your application has much interactivity and is very responsive.
- Your application is a single-page app with multiple views.
- You don't want JS code to contain HTML markup.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
WHy handlebars ?
- One of the most advanced, feature-rich and popular among all JS template engines (Mustache, Underscore,
EJS, Dust.JS, etc)
- Most active community.
- Used on cutting edge and promising client side frameworks: Meteor.js, Derby.js and Ember.js.
Super easy to be used with Backbone.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Handlebars essentials
- To use Handlebars, first you link to the Handlebars.js file in the head block of your HTML page, just like you do for jQuery or any .js files.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
A simple expression is written like this:
{{ content }}
- Or like this, in the case of Handlebars block expressions:
<div> Name: {{ customerName }} </div>
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
script tags
- Handlebars templates can be embedded in script tags.
- You retrieve the HTML content from the script tag and pass it to the Handlebars compiler.
<script id="header" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div> Name: {{ headerTitle }} </div>
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Contains the data to be displayed on the page.
- Passed as an object to the Handlebars function.
var theData = {
customers: [
{ firstName: ”John”, lastName: ”Doe”, age: 20 },
{ { firstName: ”Chuck”, lastName: ”Norris”, age: 25 }
<script id="header" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#each customers}}
<li> {{ firstName }} {{ lastName }} </li>
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
the handlebars compile function
- Finally, in order to use our Handlebars template, we need to:
Compile it with Handlebars compile function.
It generates a JS function representing that template.
- Invoke that compiled function with our data.
var theTemplate = Handlebars.compile(templateScript);
var html = theTemplate(theData);
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
A Non-Handlebars vs A Handlebars project
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.9.1.min.js">
The List of Shoes:
<ul class="shoesNav"></ul>
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
A Non-Handlebars project
JS File$(function() {
var shoesData = [ { name: "Nike", price: 199.00 },
{ name: "Loafers", price: 59.00 },
{ name: "Wing Tip", price: 259.00 } ];
function updateAllShoes(shoes) {
var theHTMLListOfShoes = "";
shoesData.forEach(function(eachShoe) {
theHTMLListOfShoes += '<li class="shoes">' +
'<a href="/' + + '">' + + ' -- Price: ' + eachShoe.price +
return theHTMLListOfShoes;
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
A Handlebars project
$(function() {
var shoesData = [ { name: "Nike", price: 199.00 },
{ name: "Loafers", price: 59.00 },
{ name: "Wing Tip", price: 259.00 } ];
var theTemplateScript = $("#shoe-template").html();
var theTemplate = Handlebars.compile(theTemplateScript);
<script id="shoe-template" type="x-handlebars-template">
{{#each this}}
<li class="shoes">
<a href="/{{name}}">{{name}} -- Price: {{price}} </a>
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Expressions
- Blocks
- Paths
- Parent Paths
- Partials (sub-templates)
- Helpers
- Built-in Helpers
- Custom Helpers
- Built-in Helpers
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Blocks in Handlebars are expressions within an opening {{# }} followed by a closing {{/ }}.
Content goes here.
- Here is an if block:
{{#if someValueIsTrue}}
Content goes here
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
A path in Handlebars is a property lookup.
var objData = {
name: { firstName: "Michael", lastName:"Jackson" }
} - We can use nested paths to lookup the property you want, like this:
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Partials (Sub-templates)
- Sometimes you want to reuse a template inside a section of another. On this case you just need to invoke the partial expression:
{{> partialName}}
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Expressions that provide the necessary logic expressiveness on Handlebars Templates.
- Built-In helpers: provides conditional and loop logic.
- Each
- If
- Else
- Unless
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
helpers - each
- Used to iterate over an array or object.
var data = {
people: [
"Chuck Norris",
"Bruce Lee",
"Jackie Chan"
] };
<script id="peopleTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<ul class="people_list">
{{#each people}}
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
helpers - EACH
- If the data object passed to the each helper is not an array, the entire object is the current context and we use the this keyword.
var data = {
firstName: "Chuck",
lastName: "Norris"
<script id="peopleTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<ul class="people_list">
{{#each this}}
<li>{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</li>
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
helpers - IF
- Works like a regular IF conditional statement, except that it only accepts boolean values.
- The block inside an IF Helper will only be rendered on the case the boolean is true.
var data = {
user: [ "Bond" ]
<script id="peopleTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<ul class="people_list">
{{#if user.length}}
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Custom helpers
- Introduce flexibility on Handlebars.
- They are created in JS code, not inside the templates.
- Custom helpers allow creating any kind of JS logic.
var data = {
firstName: "Chuck",
lastName: "Norris"
};<script id="peoleTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<ul class="people_list"> {{#fullName this}}
</script> - Output:
<div> Chuck Norris </div>
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Custom helpers
- To be used, they need to be registered before all the rest of the Handlebars JS code.
Handlebars.registerHelper('fullName', function(person) {
return person.first + ' ' + person.last;
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
- Thick Clients is not a web trend to be ignored.
- Client-side Templating is a great web solution and worth to give it a try.
- Handlebars is a powerful & great tool for this endeavor.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Learn more
- Official website -
- (Sexy) Blog - Richard of Stanley -
- Try Handlebars.js right now in your browser - James Fuller -
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Refactor the multiple-choice quiz code given on the last talks using Handlebars. Keep in mind the following:
- Use and abuse of Handlebars blocks of expressions.
Make sure you use the following:
- Handlebars Path (property lookup) - 2x
- A sub-template.
- Each of these built-in Helpers: Each, If, Else, Unless
- A custom helper.
- Pre-compile your Handlebars template.
- Make use of one Handlebars Parent Path lookup.
- Send me the solution in a GitHub repo.
Parent Path
Parent path ../ allows to lookup properties on parents of the current context.
var shoesData = {
groupName: "Celebrities",
users: [ { name: { first : "John", last: "Doe" } },
{ name: { first : "John", last: "Waters" } } ] };
<script id="shoe-template" type="x-handlebars-template">
{{name.first}} {{name.last}} is in the {{../groupName}} group
Mike Alexander is in the Celebrities group.
John Waters is in the Celebrities group.
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars.js
By Avenue Code
Boosting the client-side even more with Handlebars.js
On this talk we will cover concepts of the new web trend - client side templating, comparing with the traditional Thick Server approach, and also go over Handlebars templating language. By Alysson Ferreira
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