To know magic of AWS CloudFormation

Hello Am Avinash

- @aviboy2006


Agenda :

  • What is CloudFormation ?

  • Component of CloudFormation

  • Benefits of CloudFormation

  • How its works ?

  • Perquisites for CloudFormation 

  • Create Lambda + API Gateway + SNS

  • Discussion (Q/A)


What is CloudFormation ?


AWS CloudFormation is magic which enables developers and businesses an easy way to create a stack of related AWS and external resources, and manage them in the right order.

Component of CloudFormation


  • Template ( YAML or JSON format)
  • Stack ( Collections of AWS resources)
  • Change set ( action for AWS resources )

Benefits of CloudFormation


  • Automate best practices

  • Simplify infrastructure management

  • Integrate with other AWS services

  • Manage third-party and private resources

  • Extend CloudFormation with the community

  • Easily control and track changes to your infrastructure

  • Reusability of infra

How it work ?


Perquisites for CloudFormation 


  • Initial knowledge about AWS resources and their property references 

  • Intrinsic (Essential) functions



Create Lambda + API Gateway + SNS

Any Question ?








Thank You !



To know the magic of AWS CloudFormation

By Avinash Dalvi

To know the magic of AWS CloudFormation

This talk will cover about AWS CloudFormation. How its going to help in AWS infrastructure deployment. Will cover creation of Lambda + API gateway and SNS subscription for Lambda failure mechanism.

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