Recommender Systems

Avraam Mavridis



Collaborative Filtering

- Use historical data on purchasing behavior

- Find similar users

- Predict users' interest based on a similarity metric

Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering

User Interaction Matrix

Collaborative Filtering

Let matrix V be the product of the matrices W and H,

                                     V = WH.

Matrix multiplication can be implemented as computing the column vectors of V as linear combinations of the column vectors in W using coefficients supplied by columns of H.

Utility Matrix

The goal of the recommendation system is to predict the blanks in the utility matrix

How we usually create a Utility Matrix

- We can ask users to rate items (but users usually are unwilling to provide responses)

- We can make inferences from users' behavior

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Inception Interstellar Memento Insomnia Matrix Quay Prestige
Bob 4 5 1
Alice 5 5 4
Dinos 2 4 5
Nick 3 3

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Jaccard Index

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Jaccard Index

Inception Interstellar Memento Insomnia Matrix Quay Prestige
Bob 4 5 1
Alice 5 5 4
Dinos 2 4 5
Nick 3 3

Bob and Alice have intersection size 1 and union size 5, their Jaccard distance is 1/5 = 0.2.

In comparison, Bob and Dinos have intersection size 2 and union size 4, their Jaccard distance is 2/4 = 0.5

Thus Bob appears close to Dinos than Alice...

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Euclidean / Manhatan / Minkowski

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Euclidean distance

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Euclidean distance

def euclidean_distance(moviesUser1, moviesUser2, threshold = 3):
  movies1 = map(lambda x: x['movieId'], moviesUser1)
  movies2 = map(lambda x: x['movieId'], moviesUser2)
  intersection = [val for val in movies1 if val in movies2]

  sum = 0
  for key in intersection:
    match1 = filter(lambda x: x['movieId'] == key, moviesUser1)
    match2 = filter(lambda x: x['movieId'] == key, moviesUser2)
    sum += math.sqrt(pow(float(match1[0]['rating']) - float(match2[0]['rating']), 2))
  return 1 / (1+sum)

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Euclidean distance


Similarity/Distance Metrics

Euclidean distance


Similarity/Distance Metrics

Cosine Distance

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Cosine Similarity


Cosine similarity is the cosine of the angle between two n-dimensional vectors in an n-dimensional space. It is the dot product of the two vectors divided by the product of the two vectors' lengths (or magnitudes)

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Cosine Similarity


Inception Interstellar Memento Insomnia Matrix Quay Prestige
Bob 4 5 1
Alice 5 5 4
Dinos 2 4 5
Nick 3 3

Bob Vs Dinos

\frac{5*2 + 1*4}{\sqrt{4^2 + 5^2 + {1^2}}*\sqrt{2^2 + {4^2}+5^2}}
52+1442+52+1222+42+52\frac{5*2 + 1*4}{\sqrt{4^2 + 5^2 + {1^2}}*\sqrt{2^2 + {4^2}+5^2}}

= 0.322

Bob vs Alice


= 0.38

Similarity/Distance Metrics

Cosine Similarity


Similarity/Distance Metrics

Pearson correlation coefficient

The Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure of the linear correlation between two variables. It gives a number between -1 and 1, where -1 is a total negative linear correlation, a value of 0 means no linear correlation and a value of 1 is a total positive linear correlation.

Usually that is enough to make recommendations

- Find similar users based on a distance metric

- Recommend items similar users have bought

- Almost domain-agnostic

- Easy to understand and implement


- What if you have a millions of products?

- What would you recommend to new users?

- What if you have short-lived items (e.g. news articles)?

- What if you don't have enough data about the users (cold start)?


Content Based Models

- Use metadata of the items

- Use a classifier

- Recommend item to the user based on the class of items he is interested

KNN (k-nearest neighbors algorithm)

TFIDF (term frequency–inverse document frequency)


- Data and metadata about items required, not always available

- It doesnt share information across users




- Understand your domain

- Pay attention to metadata

- Mix various models

- Evaluate the results (tricky)

Ethical Considerations

- Amplification of the filter bubble and opinion polarization

- Lack of transparency

Thank you

Recommender Systems

By Avraam Mavridis

Recommender Systems

  • 1,395