Algebraic Data Types
in 5 minutes
true, false
nil, true, false
type P struct {
A bool
B *bool
type P struct {
A bool
B *bool
P{A: false, B: nil}
P{A: false, B: &false}
P{A: false, B: &true}
P{A: true, B: nil}
P{A: true, B: &false}
P{A: true, B: &true}
type P struct {
A bool
B *bool
2 x 3 = 6
P{B: nil}
P{B: &false}
P{B: &true}
P{A: true}
P{A: false}
P{A: false, B: nil}
P{A: false, B: &false}
P{A: false, B: &true}
P{A: true, B: nil}
P{A: true, B: &false}
P{A: true, B: &true}
type P struct {
A bool
B *bool
C bool
type P struct {
A bool
B *bool
C bool
2 x 3 x 2 = 12
var F func(A bool) (B bool)
var F func(A bool) (B bool)
func identity(A bool) bool {
return A
func not(A bool) bool {
return !A
func alwaysTrue(A bool) bool {
return true
func alwaysFalse(A bool) bool {
return false
var F func(A bool) (B *bool)
var F func(A bool) (B *bool)
func identity(A bool) *bool { return &A }
func not(A bool) *bool { return !A }
func alwaysTrue(A bool) *bool { return &true }
func alwaysFalse(A bool) *bool { return &false }
func alwaysNull(A bool) *bool { return null }
func nilIfFalse(A bool) *bool { if !A { return nil } else { return &true } }
func nilIfTrue(A bool) *bool { if A { return nil } else { return &false } }
func nilIfFalseNot(A bool) *bool { if !A { return nil } else { return &false } }
func nilIfTrueNot(A bool) *bool { if A { return nil } else { return &true } }
var F func(A bool) (B *bool)
func identity(A bool) *bool { return &A }
func not(A bool) *bool { return !A }
func alwaysTrue(A bool) *bool { return &true }
func alwaysFalse(A bool) *bool { return &false }
func alwaysNil(A bool) *bool { return null }
func nilIfFalse(A bool) *bool { if !A { return nil } else { return &true } }
func nilIfTrue(A bool) *bool { if A { return nil } else { return &false } }
func nilIfFalseNot(A bool) *bool { if !A { return nil } else { return &false } }
func nilIfTrueNot(A bool) *bool { if A { return nil } else { return &true } }
3 = 9
var F func(A *bool) (B bool)
var F func(A *bool) (B bool)
func default(A *bool) bool { if A == nil { return false } else { return *A } }
func isNilOr(A *bool) bool { if A == nil { return true } else { return *A } }
func alwaysTrue(A *bool) bool { return true }
func alwaysFalse(A *bool) bool { return false }
func defaultOrNot(A *bool) bool { if A == nil { return false } else { return !*A } }
func isNullOrNot(A *bool) bool { if A == nil { return true } else { return !*A } }
func defaultAndNot(A *bool) bool { if A == nil { return true } else { return !*A } }
func isNilAndNot(A *bool) bool { if A == nil { return false } else { return !*A } }
2^3 = 8
type P struct {
A bool
B *bool
C func(bool) *bool
type P struct {
A bool
B *bool
C func(bool) *bool
2 x 3 x (3 ) = 54
- Product
- Power
What is Plus or Sum?
data Result
= Ok String
| Error String
doHttp =
case res of
Error err ->
-- report error
Ok k ->
-- do something useful
Ok + Error
type Result interface {
type Ok struct {
Value string
func (Ok) isResult() {}
type Error struct {
Value error
func (Error) isResult() {}
func doHttp() {
switch res.(type) {
case Error:
// report error
case Ok:
// do something useful
// panic
data Result
= Ok String
| Error String
doHttp =
case res of
Error err ->
-- report error
Ok k ->
-- do something useful
-- no panic
Ok + Error + ε
Ok + Error
Algebraic Data Types
By Walter Schulze
Algebraic Data Types
- 918