Advanced |
Animal Planet

Warm-up | Animal Lovers

  • Would you say people in your country are animal lovers, or do they just see animals as property?
  • Have you ever had a pet and, if so, how attached to it did you become?

Reading | In defence of not liking animals

  • Does the title of the article imply the writer likes or dislikes animals?
    • Is it understandable that many people do not like animals and pets?

Reaction | In defence of not liking animals

  1. Do you think the writer's attitude to animals is realistic, sentimental or hard-hearted?
  2. Which is your attitude, and why?

Warm-up | Your're never too old

  • Some people propose that prospective pet owners should be required to pass an animal care competency test and demonstrate financial stability before adopting a pet.
    • Do you agree with this idea?
  • Do you believe having a pet can address a person's loneliness or mental health?
    • Is it selfish to keep a pet for this reason?
  • Do you believe a new pet can fill the void of a loved one, or a previous pet?
    • What other benefits could having a pet provide?

Reading | Your're never too old

  • [See text]

Reaction | Your're never too old

  • "You're never too old to have a pet"
    • Do you agree with the title of the text?
  • Is it fair to adopt a pet if you are elderly and may not live as long as the pet, or will have to leave it due to illness or entry to a retirement home?
    • If an elderly person is no longer capable of looking after their pet, could it be possible to put solutions in place to take pet welfare into account?
    • Is pet ownership necessary, or are there programmes which equally provide interaction with animals? Are they as beneficial?
  • Dr. McNicholas mentions that pets provide a reason to get up in the morning. What does this say about our human and societal connections?

Vocabulary | Animals, Birds and Insects

Vocabulary | Where They Live...

Vocabulary | The Sounds They Make

Vocabulary | Animal Body Parts

Vocabulary | Expressions With Animals

Listening | Pro- and anti-vegetarianism

  • Two people debate vegetarianism on the radio (zzzzzzzzzzzzzz). Can you already predict their arguments? 
  • Who was the most convincing?

Grammar | Elipsis

  • After and, but and or, we can leave out a repeated subject or auxiliary
    • He got up and (he) had a shower.
    • She came to the meeting, but (she) didn’t say anything.
    • We should phone him or (we should) send him an email.
  • We cannot leave out the subject after before, after, because, when or while.
    • They locked the doors and windows before they left.
    • We’ll have a look at the photos after we finish dinner.
    • He’s stressed because he has too much work.

Grammar | Elipsis (2)

  • We can leave out the repeated verb or phrase, keeping only the auxiliary.
    • Laura has never been to the States, but her sister has.
    • Gary thinks he’s right, but he isn’t.
    • They said I would love the film, but I don’t think I would.
    • I didn’t like the film, but Mike did.
  • We're not obliged to use the same auxiliary!
    • I thought I would be able to come tonight, but in fact I can’t.
    • I know you’ve never learnt to drive, but I really think you should have.
    • A: You must see his latest film!
      • B: I already have.
  • We can avoid repeating an infinitive, and just reduce it with to:
    • I’ve never ridden a motorbike, but I’d love to.
    • The students cheated in the exam, even though I told them not to.

Grammar | Elipsis

  • We can avoid repeating clauses in the positive, using so.
    • I’ll have finished the work by Friday, or at least I hope so.
    • A: Will you be working on Saturday?
      B: I suppose so.
    • A: You do know it wasn’t my fault, don’t you?
      B: If you say so.
  • Clauses in the negative?
    use a positive verb + not, or a negative verb + so
    • A: Do you think it’ll rain tonight?
      B: I hope not.
    • A: She’s not very likely to pass, is she?
      B: I’m afraid not.

Pronunciation | Stress

Three Minutes | Talk about 5 people who...

Speaking | People Discuss Zoos

  • Discussing the pros and cons of zoos, complete the expressions...

Advanced | Animal Planet

By Adam Wyett

Advanced | Animal Planet

  • 108