Business English |

The BIG Christmas Business English Game Show!

GAME SHOW | Family Feud Questionnaire


  1. Entrepreneur,
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility,
  3. Consumer Behavior,
  4. Differentiation,
  5. Shareholder,
  6. Stakeholder,
  7. Market Segmentation,
  8. Profit,
  9. Supply Chain,
  10. Offshoring,
  11. R&D,
  12. Patent,
  13. Risk Management,
  14. Key Performance Indicators,
  15. Feasibility Study,
  16. Conversion Rate,
  17. Corporate Culture,
  18. Omnichannel,
  19. Pivot,
  20. Intellectual Capital


  1. Feasibility Study
  2. Conversion Rate
  3. Stakeholder
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. Offshoring
  6. Intellectual Capital
  7. R&D
  8. Market Segmentation
  9. Differentiation
  10. Consumer Behavior
  11. Patent
  12. Entrepreneur
  13. Profit
  14. Corporate Culture
  15. Omnichannel
  16. Risk Management
  17. Supply Chain
  18. Pivot
  19. Key Performance Indicators
  20. Shareholder

GAME SHOW | Acronym Race

  1. AI
  2. ROI
  3. SaaS
  4. GDP
  5. CRM
  6. B2B/B2C
  7. KPI
  8. CFO
  9. M&A
  10. SMB
  11. R&D
  12. SWOT
  13. PM
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Return on Investment
  • Software as a service
  • Gross Domestic Product
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Business-to-Business / Business-to-Customer
  • Key Performance Indicator
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Small and Medium-Size Businesses
  • Research and Development
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
  • Project Manager

GAME SHOW | Acronym Race

  1. B2B/B2C
  2. SWOT
  3. R&D
  4. CFO
  5. KPI
  6. AI
  7. SaaS
  8. SMB
  9. PM
  10. CRM
  11. ROI
  12. M&A
  13. GDP

GAME SHOW | Pictionary

​Example: SMB

  1. AI
  2. ROI
  3. SaaS
  4. GDP
  5. CRM
  6. B2B/B2C


  1. KPI
  2. CFO
  3. M&A
  4. R&D
  5. SWOT
  6. PM
  • Santa Claus performer
  • Gift wrapper
  • Seasonal marketing strategist
  • Christmas tree decorator
  • Toy vendor
  • Santa’s workshop manager (elf team leader)
  1. Discuss what skills workers need / information you  want to know about the workers for these jobs.
  2. Interviewer chooses a job
    (interviewee does not know the job chosen)
  3. Run the interview. Interviewee must complete the interview and a) not look stupid, b) figure out the job title.

Activity One | Blind Job Interview

  • Gift wrapping and delivery warehouse manager
  • Christmas market toilet cleaner
  • Holiday event planner
  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Give three.
  3. Have you ever worked outside of France, before? What did you learn from your experience?
  4. Can you give an example of a time where you have managed to resolve a conflict within a team?
  5. Are you familiar with [specialised software]?
  6. Why should we hire you over other candidates? Why do you think you’re the best candidate for this job?
  7. Do you have any questions?

Activity One | Generic Questions


Family Feud

Activity Two | Argumental

Debate unprepared on the given topic.

  • Rules:
    1. This is not an argument / Dispute.
    2. Each student should take an opposing side of the debate (try "Rock, Paper, Scissors")
    3. A valid argument or counter argument = 1 point
    4. Development of each point using an example and explanation = +1 point
    5. Use of debating expression  and conjunctions = +0.5 points


  • Count scores after each debate.

Debate | Expressions

Debate | Argumental

Debate unprepared on the given topic.


  • There should be a law preventing employers from obligating workers to come into the office during the month of December, so that employees can spend more time with family.
  • Teachers and students who do not celebrate Christmas-- e.g. atheists, jews and muslims --should continue to work during the Christmas holidays. This holiday is not for them.
  • Students should have the option to skip classes and exams to volunteer at charities during the month of December.
  • Teachers who play movies during the last week of term should be fired.
  • Governments should subsidise gifts and meals for families during the Christmas season to reduce inequality.
  • The use of public funds for Christmas decorations and lights is an unnecessary expense that should be banned.

Naughty or Nice?

Debate on the given topic.

  • Rules:
    1. This is not an argument / Dispute.
    2. Each student should take an opposing side of the debate (try "Rock, Paper, Scissors")
    3. Audience decides winner.
    • Giving cash as a Christmas gift.
    • Skipping gifts to donate to charity.
    • Putting up Christmas lights that stay on all night.
    • Wearing Pyjamas all day on Christmas Day
    • Including alcohol at office holiday parties.
    • Splitting Christmas Day between multiple families.
    • Expecting holiday guests to stay in hotels.

Activity Three | Polite Language

Students should have civil dialogues at work when discussing problems and needs.


  • Start with 5 points. Any rude language used = -1 point.


  • Work on polite language first.

Polite Language | Less Accusational

Polite Language | I'm afraid / Actually

(Ask teacher for demo!)

Practice with a basic telephone conversation.

Polite Language | Less Direct Speech

(Ask teacher for demo!)

Practice with a new conversation relating to your work.

Basic Telephoning Skills | Active Listening Skills

  1. Remember: the person who picks up the phone speaks first. "Good afternoon. You're through to [company / department name]. [Name] speaking."
  2. Make sounds to show you are paying attention (uh huh, right, got you)
  3. Echoing. (A: It’s sixty euro. B: Sixty. Right)
  4. Ask for clarification
  5. Read important information back, or ask the other to do so.
  • Make phone calls using polite language to give bad news, explain the situation and / or find amicable solutions.

Payment is late. Delivery will not be made before Christmas

Signed contract not received, so no holiday payments will be made.

Dropshipping deliveries not made. Clients dissatisfied.

Gifts are faulty due to poor quality components

Employee got too drunk and "touchy" at Christmas party. Must be fired.

Activity Four | Christmas Elevator Pitch

  • 2 sts work together to structure 1 minure elevator pitch to present product to buy for Christmas, but present individually.
  • Scoring:
    • Beat ChatGPT = 1 point
    • Best delivery = +1point


  • Fun but true quote!
    • If ChatGPT can do your job better than you, then quit your job! 


  • Catalogue:

Activity Five |

Business Quick Response

  • Race to complete the questions.
    • 2 points for fastest AND correct
    • 0 points for fastest but NOT correct
    • 1 point for correct but not the fastest.
  • 8 rounds!

1 word power A

2 word power A

2 Text and Grammar B

3 Word Power A

4 Word Power A

4 Word Power E

4 Skills and Pronunciation F

5 Skills and Pronunciation F

6 Word Power C

Activity Six |


  • 3 Songs:
    • Saturday Night
    • Hokey Cokey
    • Superman

Business English Revision | The BIG Christmas Business English Game Show!

By Adam Wyett

Business English Revision | The BIG Christmas Business English Game Show!

  • 78