Advanced |
Being a Good Sport

Warm-up | Battle of the Workouts

Tennis / Squash, Weights / Circuit training, Yoga / Pilates, Spinning / Step


  • Do you know and have you tried any of these sports? Is / was your experience positive or negative?
  • Which of the pairs do you think:
    • will be the most enjoyable and keep you motivated?
    • will burn the most calories?
    • Will make the biggest difference to your health and fitness?

Reading | Battle of the Workouts

Which activity is it, according to the article?

Warm-up | The Truth about Exercise

Tennis / Squash, Weights / Circuit training, Yoga / Pilates, Spinning / Step


  • Do you know and have you tried any of these sports? Is / was your experience positive or negative?
  • Which are the biggest motivations for doing sport?
    • Seeing physical changes in the mirror
    • Maintaining an active social life
    • Improve health conditions following a health scare
    • Improving stamina, endurance, mobility and one's self-esteem
    • Attracting the opposite (or same) sex 
    • Competition against others
    • Setting personal challenges
    • Fun and enjoyment
  • Which kind of sports...?
    a) are the most motivating,  b) burn the most calories, c)


Vocabulary | Battle of the Workouts


How might these things prevent people from living healthy lives?

Everyday responsibilities

Lack of information

Childhood habits

Peer Pressure


2 mins

C1 Checklist

How might these things prevent people from living healthy lives?

Mental Health challenges

Economic Constraints

Childhood habits

Lack of access to sport facilities


2 mins

Which of these things affect the greatest number of people?

Mental Health challenges

Economic Constraints

Childhood habits

Lack of access to sport facilities


1 min

How might these things keep people motivated to stay fit?

Looking good in photos

Having a "gym buddy"

Using wearables and fitness apps

Following influencers

competing and treating sport as a multiplayer game

2 mins

C1 Checklist


Which of these is the biggest motivator in getting people fit?

Looking good in photos

Having a "gym buddy"

Using wearables and fitness apps

Following influencers

competing and treating sport as a multiplayer game

2 mins

C1 Checklist


Grammar | Relative Clauses

Grammar | Relative Clauses I

  • That's the thing that / _____ ....
  • That's the person that / _____ ...
  • That's the place _____ ...
    • That's the thing [that] I did...
      • Can leave out when the object ('I' is the subject)
  • That's the guy whose exam results are not good. (of whom)
  • She's a person [who] I can talk to.
    • => She's a person to whom I can talk. (formal)
  • That's the room [which] I was born in.
    • That's the room in which I was born.
  • What I like best is... / She told me what she saw...
    • What = the thing / things which


Grammar | Relative Clauses I

  • My brother, who doesn't like sport, was given a football.
    • non-defining clause giving non-essential information separated by commas or a comma and full stop.
  • Andriana hasn't come to class in ages, which is quite frustrating.
    • Which refers to everything prior.
  • They've got three children, all of whom (all their children) are good at sport.
    • [expressions of quantity / superlatives] Some, any, none, all, both, either, neither, several, enough, many, few of which / of whom / of whose.


Listening & Speaking | Agree, Partially Agree  OR Disagree?

Listening & Speaking | His Arguments. Do you agree?

Advanced | Being a Good Sport

By Adam Wyett

Advanced | Being a Good Sport

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