Advanced Grammar |

Cleft Sentences

Adding Emphasis and Interest | Cleft Sentences

  • Can you rephrase these sentences?

Adding Emphasis and Interest | Cleft Sentences

Focus attention  on or emphasize one part of the sentence. Put it at the start, ...

Example Variations. "This feature enables X"

  • What this feature enables is X.
  • What this feature does is it enables X.
  • And what happens with this feature is it enables X
  • The functionality this feature enables is X 
  • It's X which is enabled with this feature

Speaking Practice | Mundane topics

  • "Terrible weather, isn't it?"
  • Are you interested in any sports?
  • Are you going anywhere interesting this year?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  • How long have you worked at your company?
  • Do you think going on holiday is a good way to meet new people?

Advanced Grammar | Cleft Sentences

By Adam Wyett

Advanced Grammar | Cleft Sentences

  • 66