Advanced |
QI Gameshow /

Health and Safety

Warm-up | Learning and Education

  • Which of these subjects did you enjoy most at school when growing up?
    • Geography
    • History
    • Science 
    • Sport
  • What made your classes at school interesting?
  • Why do you believe most children hate going to school and don't enjoy their classes?
  • Some schools are enforcing the wearing of school uniform, a ban on the use of mobile phones, and limiting access to the internet, do you think this will have a positive impact on education?
  • Some students say they learn more in videos and on TV than from listening to the teacher. What do you think?

Warm-up | Do you know what you think you know?

  • Agree on answers to questions from a book based on a popular British TV show.

Warm-up | "Memorise" and share information

Listening | About the Quiz

Listening 2 | Complete and Note Lloyd and Mitchinson's Ideas

Vocabulary | Word Formation


  • Look at the highlighted text in these facts.
    • Which 4 prefixes are negative and what do the others mean?

Vocabulary | Word Formation


  • Read the QI facts together. Which do you find the most surprising?

Speaking | Prefixes in practice

  1. Do you think we are too impatient expecting quick responses for complex issues in society and the workplace?
  2. Is it immoral for companies to sell unhealthy food and beverages to minors? By extension, are their parents behaving immorally?
  3. Are age-restrictions on health-related products or movies necessary, or are they irrelevant, ultimately having an impact at all ages?
  4. Do you disagree that children who are not vaccinated, and equally workers in the same situation, should be refused entry to school or the workplace?
  5. Do you believe there is a disconnect between the powers that be creating regulation and the people working and living their lives?



Pre-Reading | Health and Safety Gone Mad

Book review: in the interests of safety about current rules in the UK. What rules do you think it mentions?

Grammar | Permission, obligation, necessity

Are they the same or different?

Grammar | Permission, obligation, necessity

  • Could, Should, Must, Ought to
    • ​Could have, Should have, Would have
    • You'd better [not] = More urgent / stronger
  • ​Must / Have to, Mustn't / Don't have to
    • ​Need to / Don't needn't
    •  Needn't = don't feel obliged
      • ​​We didn't need to book  = It wasn't necessary​
      • We needn't have booked = We booked, but it wasn't necessary
  • ​Be able (general) = be permitted (formal)​
  • ​​Supposed to / Meant to = what people should or shouldn't do



Speaking | Rules and Law Proposals

On the road

  • All vehicles must include a silent mode for residential areas after 10 PM.
  • Cars should be banned in city centers on weekends to promote walking and cycling.
  • Public transport should be free for anyone wearing green on Fridays to promote eco-consciousness.

At Home

  • All homes should be required to have indoor plants to improve air quality.
  • Parents who feed their children junk food should be arrested for child abuse due to neglect and malnutrition
  • There should be a limit of 3 screens per household.

Public Health

  • All gyms should be brought into the public sector.
  • Dental treatment should be free at the point of service, not partially reimbursed.
  • Restaurants and cafés must be obliged to serve veganised versions of all items on their menu.


  • Every adult should be required to take culture awareness courses to promote global understanding and cohesion.
  • Each year, a mini-statue should be erected to celebrate the person who volunteers and contributes the most to the community
  • All citizens should provide weekly evidence of performing at least one act of kindness, or face a fine.


  • Schools should ban homework on weekends to promote family time and rest.
  • Instead of grades, schools should provide feedback in the form of personal strengths and areas for improvement
  • The school year should be extended to include the Summer so that school days can be shorter and workload lighter.


  • AI technology should be banned in primary and secondary education.
  • Websites, as well as asking for permission to use cookies, should be forced to allow its users to browse algorithm-free.
  • Companies selling user-data should distribute the profits of said activity to its users.


  • Businesses should be taxed based on their environmental impact, with further incentives to go carbon neutral.
  • Takeaway restaurants must provide reusable containers and utensils for food, and clients should then be recorded and required to return the material within 7 days.
  • All new builds must include wildlife friendly features like birdhouses and bee hotels.


  • Cinema-goers who choose to turn up late to miss the ads should be charged an additional fee on order to enter the theatre.
  • All citizens should view at least one public service announcement per month, or lose their TV, phone and internet access.
  • Spoiling the ending of a film or TV series should be punishable by a month TV and cinema ban. 

Advanced | QI Gameshow

By Adam Wyett

Advanced | QI Gameshow

  • 147