Business English |

Conspiracy & Ethics II

Warm-up | Corporate Cover-Ups

  • Do you know of any companies or industries that may have received bad press over some of these issues:
    • Questionable hiring and promotion practices, including -- but not limited to -- nepotism or sexual favoritism?
    • Financial irregularities or fiddling with the numbers?
    • The mislabelling of products?
    • Product price fixing?
    • Predatory selling and provision of services to vulnerable clients?
    • Systematically violating human rights legislation, and  engaging in union busting.

Pre-Reading | Corporate Cover-Ups

  • Have you heard of any cases of whistleblowers exposing the companies they worked for?
    • Do you think companies should be able to operate in secrecy, or should transparency be forced?
    • Do you think whistleblowers deserve protection from possible repercussions?
    • Should you encounter serious wrongdoing in your company, for example illegal activity -- would your report it, if it could affect your career?

Reading | The Whistle Blowers

Reaction | The Whistle Blowers

  • Sherron Watkins said, ‘It should have been a huge warning flag’ when she first spotted unethical practices. Why is it sometimes easier to ignore warning signs?

  • Is it a good idea to pay whistleblowers? Why? / Why not?

  • Is anything really ever gained by the actions of whistleblowers in companies?

Group Thinking | How Could You Respond to These Situations?

Careful! These may be too direct!

In Action | Daybreak



Bus Eng C1 | Conspiracy & Ethics II

By Adam Wyett

Bus Eng C1 | Conspiracy & Ethics II

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