UJM English Week! |

Meeting People and Getting to Know Each Other

Warm-up | Getting to Know

  • Name? Decade born? From? Live?
  • Profession?
  • School?
  • Favourite book / movie / team / food?
  • Club?
  • Usual holiday?
  • Languages speak?
  • Free time to relax?
  • Sport? Stay active?

Warm-up | Introducing Yourselves: Prepositions


  • I work ____ a receptionist at a hotel chain.
  • I'm in charge ____ coordinating sales teams across the region.
  • I'm responsible ____ planning and budgeting.
  • I specialise ____ workplace motivation.
  • My job consists ____ advising businesses and organisations on employment law.
  • I deal ____ after-sales enquiries.
  • I'm engaged ____ the protection of the environment.



  • I live ____ Saint-Etienne.
  • I'm passionate ____ hiking in the mountains
  • I volunteer ____ a local animal shelter.
  • I'm interested ____ photography.
  • I participate ____ marathons around France.
  • I'm involved ____ the organisation of community events.

Imagine you are new to a city. You would like make new friends. Discuss how helpful these ideas may be.

How do you usually meet new people?

Take an evening class

Attend community events


Attend networking events


Through work or your children's school

Through religious or cultural events

Grammar| Present Perfect / Past Simple

Grammar Practice| Present Perfect / Past Simple Bingo

  • Go to Asia?
  • Be in a parade?
  • Make a scrapbook?

UJM English Week! |

Socialising and Small Talk

Warm-up | Meeting Visitors

  • see / nice / again / you / to 
  • bags / help / your / I / can / with / ?
  • trouble / us/ you / did / any / have / finding / ?
  • drink / you / to / like / would / something / ?
  • introduce / like / Suzanne / you / I / to / would / to
  • Heather / is / this
  • pleasure / meet / is / a / to / it / you

Cultural reference:
Would you like a tea?

Vocabulary| Do, Go or Play?

Small Talk | Off-limit Topics

  • Which of these is pretty safe to talk about?
    • religion
    • work
    • sport
    • travel
    • family
    • money
    • politics
    • the weather
  • Order from very safe to unsafe.
    Is it different in different countries?
    How does it make you feel when people talk about these topics?

Roleplay| Keeping the Conversation Going

  • Someone asks you a question
    • ​Ask a question back: What about you?
  • Give extra information when answering.
  • Use question tags. Encourage the other person to speak.
    • The food is great, isn't it?

Grammar| Question Tags

Roleplay| Keeping the Conversation Going

  • So, this is your first visit time in...?
  • Have you ever been to .... before?
  • Did you enjoy your visit to ...?
  • What did you think of...?
  • Where are you staying?
  • Do you have any kids?
  • Will you be watching the {big sports event} this year?
  • And do you have any travel plans for this Summer?
  • Have you planned what you will visit while you're here?

Add extra information. Ask questions back. Use question tags. Refer to something said earlier.

Warm-Up| Eating Out

  • What do you think are the key ingredients for a successful dinner party with guests?
    • the food,
    • the atmosphere,
    • the cost,
    • the seating arrangement,
    • after-dinner entertainment
    • the interactions between people

Listening| Bruno and Carlo entertain Anna

  • Have the hosts been to the restaurant before?
  • Why is Anna Hungry?
  • What do we discover about Bruno's wife?
  • Who is driving?
  • What do they plan to do later?

Listening| Bruno and Carlo entertain Anna

Listening| Bruno and Carlo entertain Anna - Part 2

  • What topics do they talk about?
    • the restaurant
    • holidays
    • family
    • mutual acquaintances
    • friends
    • sport
    • cultural differences
    • their jobs

Roleplay| Eating Out

  • Pick a restaurant you like to go to. Find the menu online.
  • Describe the items on the menu and make recommendations.
  • Make decisions and make the order.
  • Start some small-talks and keep the conversation going.
  • At the end of the meal, negotiate who will pay.

UJM English Week | Meeting People and Getting to Know Each Other

By Adam Wyett

UJM English Week | Meeting People and Getting to Know Each Other

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