They build bridges all the time

They built a bridge last year

They will build a bridge next year

They have built a bridge

They were building a bridge the last time I came

They're building bridges at the moment.

Grammar | Passives

  • Answer normally, then use only the passive to answer AND develop.
  • Have you ever had your car stolen? If not, has anything else of yours gotten lost or stolen? If so, explain what happened and what you had to have done next.
  • When did you last have your hair styled?
  • How often are meetings held at your office?
  • When was the last time your neighborhood was renovated?
  • How is recycling handled in your building / area?
  • When was the last time you had your teeth checked?

Grammar Practice | Passives

Part 7 | 2-Pass Method

Part 2 | Complete & Answer

Part 2 | Complete & Answer

Part 2 | Tips

  • Yes / No questions
    • Question starts with auxiliary -> usually a yes / no response
  • Question words
    • What => Thing; Which => Choice; Who => Person, etc.
    • Careful with when / where, and who's / whose !
  • Statements
    • Any response is possible, but logic!
  • Tenses
    • Remember that tenses in the question and answer do not always need to be the same
  • Similar words
    • e.g. salary / celery
  • Think context
    • "How long will the meeting last?" "He came last."
11. Who handles complaints about shipping costs? 

A. They'll ship on Tuesday. 
B. Mr. Gomez, I believe. 
C. There will be an additional charge.

12. Where can I buy an umbrella? 

A. That's a brilliant idea. 
B. By Wednesday. 
C. Try the department store.

13. When does the software demonstration

A. No, the next station. 
B. In one hour.
C. The supply room down the hall.

14. Hi, I would like to cancel my hotel
reservations for next week. 

A. May I have your name please? 
B. This table is reserved. 
C. All the rooms are booked.

15. Can you fax me a price quote this

A. I can fix it. 
B. Can you wait until tomorrow? 
C. I can follow you.

16. Where's the platform for the express

A. To the Hoffman Building. 
B. On the right side. 
C. In 15 minutes.

17. Who's going to pick up the package?

A. At the post office. 
B. Not yet. 
C. I can do it.

18. How many people applied for the position?

A. The director of marketing. 
B. At least 30.
C. I'll apply for a loan.

19. Where did Ms. Shimamura leave the fabric samples? 

A. This morning. 
B. It's really soft. 
C. At the reception desk.

20. How did you finish the project so

A. Call her back soon. 
B. I had some help. 
C. We should finish tomorrow.

21. Have you decided which mobile phone
to buy? 

A. Yes, this one seems okay. 
B. I'm glad you like it. 
C. We'll move it right away.

22. Do you have time to talk, or does
Mr. Navarro need you? 

A. A quarter after 10.
B. No, I don't have one. 
C. Yes, I can talk now.

23. What are these sweaters made of?

A. No, they're not. 
B. They're pure wool. 
C. The blue ones.

24. Are you going to ask Roger to help
write the budget report? 

A. It was a huge help.
B. It's within our budget. 
C. Yes, I'm planning to.

25. Would you like to go out for dinner
after the meeting? 

A. Yes. How about Korean food? 
B. I've been there before. 
C. Yes. Last week.

26. Do we have enough paper or should
I buy some more? 

A. I can't find the newspaper.
B. We still have plenty. 
C. This one is greater.

TOEIC PRACTICE| Transcript #3

Warm-Up | 'Just A Minute'

Warm-Up| Adjectives or Adverbs

Warm-Up| Adjectives or Adverbs

Warm-Up| Parts of Speech

TOEIC Practice| Part 3

Prepositions| Test Yourselves


2EASY ENISE | Intensive Week

By Adam Wyett

2EASY ENISE | Intensive Week

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