Social Work English |

Filling In Liason Forms and Providing Financial Assistance


  • - Be able to talk about what are Social Workers roles and the skills required in Special Needs Education

  • Be able to manage situations encountered on a daily basis in an institution: accompanying someone in everyday activities, encouraging the placement in institutions, etc.






Grammar Practice|

Creating Questions

  • Be / Auxiliaries / Modals (except "have to")
  • No Auxiliary

Grammar Practice|

Creating Questions

  • Be / Auxiliaries / Modal (except "have to")
  • No Auxiliary

  • Where = Où / When = Quand / How = Comment / What = Quel, que / Which = Lequel / Why = Pourquoi / Who = Qui

Grammar Practice|

Creating Questions

  1. This is confidential.
  2. You know where it is.
  3. You are receiving benefits.
  4. His behaviour has completely changed.
  5. She won't talk to her.
  6. He's not happy
  7. You are doing well. (How?)
  8. You would like a tissue.
  9. You started the medication.
  10. You are experiencing hallucinations.
  11. He gets very angry with my son.

Role-Play | Filling in Liason Forms

  • Role-play with someone who enters your center.
    • Tell them to take  aseat. Offer a tea.
    • Ask how they are and about their situation.
    • Suggest how you can help them.
    • Complete the Association Liason Form.
    • Inform them what happens next.
  • Do you have a budget? How much do you spend weekly / monthly on food? For what? Do you shop at different supermarkets?
    • What tips/advice do you have to save money on food? (meal plan, sales, local farmer's markets, avoid processed food, eliminate meat, buy seasonal, eat in, etc.)
  • Who is eligible to receive help from a food bank? Must users of food banks show proof of income?
    • What other financial assistance (benefits) are available in France?
  • Could you survive on £1 a day (£7 a week / 28 a month per person) for food? Could you maintain a healthy diet which would sustain you in the long-term (balanced meals with the right proportions of protein, carbs, essential vitamins, etc.)?
  • (Try it?


Carers Allowance - Crisis Loan - Disability Living Allowance - Maternity Allowance - Maternity Grant - Unemployment Benefits - Housing Benefits

Pronunciation Practice |

Mother In Need Meeting Social Services.

  • Hello, Mrs Smith. Please, have a seat. Is this your child?
  • Yes, his name's Josh.
  • Oh, he's fast asleep. Now, allow me to introduce myself. I’m a social worker with the regional social services department. Do you know what the social services department are?
  • Not really, but a friend told me you could help me.
  • That's right. We can give you information and we can help you. That's the role of social services.
    We’re here to help people to access the services and benefits that they’re entitled to, such as benefit payments.
    We can help you to apply for help with medical care, children’s education and food.
    My role is to listen to you and help you to solve your problems.
    I’m here to put you in contact with the different services you may need.
    Have you understood everything that I’ve told you so far?
    Do you have any questions?
  • I think I understood everything. Thank you.

Roleplay Practice |


  • What information do you give to people?
  • What services can people where you work have access to?
  • What benefits payments can these people in need have access to?
  • Do you help to complete forms for medical care, children’s education and food?
  • Do you listen and help solve problems. What problems do people have? Which services do you refer them to?

Discussion | A Request For Help

  • I'm here to help. Can you tell me what the problem is?
    1. Invent a problem
    2. Prepare a list of questions to ask your partner about his questions
    3. Prepare answers for your partner's questions
    4. Role-play a dialogue between somebody requesting help and a social worker.
    5. Prepare a possible solution for your partner's problem, and advice / details.
    6. Roleplay the full consultation.

Social Work English | Filling In Liason Forms and Providing Financial Assistance

By Adam Wyett

Social Work English | Filling In Liason Forms and Providing Financial Assistance

  • 278