Upper-Intermediate |
Adult Learning

  • Have you ever done a course in your free time?
    • Why do you think people may choose to study in their own time?
  • Is online learning more effective than traditional classroom learning for adults?
    • Is there an age limit to learning new skills and acquiring knowledge?
  • Should education be free for all adults, regardless of their income level?
    • Should adult education be more affordable for low-income individuals?
    • Should adult education prioritize providing opportunities for individuals in disadvantaged communities?
    • Should education providers prioritize offering courses that lead to employment opportunities?
    • Should adult learners be able to receive credit for life experience or previous work experience?
    • Should Higher Education institutions be made to open their classes to any citizen who may be interested in their courses for personal reasons?

Warm-up | Discussion

Which courses do you think could help you to...?

communicate more effectively, entertain guests, help other people, get fit, understand part of another culture, save money, be more creative, understand people

Vocabulary | Discussing Options

  • Match the expressions with similar meanings of two people choosing between the courses.
    1. For me, it's a choice between two or three.
    2. I like the sound of this one.
    3. There's no way I'm doing that.
    4. I can(t make up my mind about it.
    5. I wouldn't mind doing a course in First Aid.
    6. I'm on the fence about the Car Maintenance course.
    7. That doesn't really appeal to me.
    8. I'd be happy with either Cookery or Psychology.
    9. I've got mixed feelings about that one.

Quick Pronunciation | FluenCY without the T

  • Listen and choose the explanation. Then repeat.

Read the brochure again. Which courses a) do you definitely NOT want to do, b) are you not sure about or c) are not interested in?

Use the expressions and develop your ideas.

What's the difference between these terms?

Vocabulary | Education and Training

Complete the sentences. The first letter is given. Do you agree?

Vocabulary | Education and Training

  • Should age be a factor in determining someone's eligibility to do a job?
    • Does a 16-year-old boy have enough life experience to be a successful employer or teacher?
      • Could a 16-year-old's find their age negatively impacts their ability to manage and lead adult staff members, or gain respect as an authority figure?
      • Are the people critical of young leaders simply ageist?
    • Should formal education qualifications be a requirement for being a head teacher?
      • Should the appointment of heads be determined by a democratic process?
  • Read the heading and first paragraph. What would you like to learn from the article?

Pre-Reading | The 16 Year-Old Head

  • What do you think about Barbur? What do you think motivates him? Would you like your child to go to his school?
  • Do you agree with him about what teachers need to be successful?

Reaction | The Sixteen Year-Old Head

Post-Reading | Common Phrasal Verbs

Grammar | Present/ Past Habits?

  • There used to be just eight pupils in the class.
  • We usually used to drink milk after lunch.
    • used to + infinitive to describe past states or habits.
    • didn't use to = wasn't a habit / state


  • We would have to copy everything from the board.
  • On a typical day, we would start assembly at 9am.
    • would + infinitive to describe past habits only.
    • wouldn't - was never a habit!
  • On a typical day, he'll get up at 7am.
    • will + infinitive can also describe a present habit!


  • They were always asking questions about my lessons.
  • He's always rushing from place to place.
    • be always -ing to emphasize something happened / happens often.


  • My colleagues helped me to plan classes.
  • From 10am to 4pm, he focuses on his studies.
    • Simple forms obviously also describe past actions, habits, states, etc. But was it one time or many? Ambiguous.

Grammar | Present/ Past Habits?

Write some sentences about these topics using the forms:

- an entertaining or useful course you did or are doing.

- a fellow student you'll never forget.

- what you did during breaks or after school.

  • There used to be just eight pupils in the class.
  • We usually used to drink milk after lunch.
    • used to + infinitive to describe past states or habits.
    • didn't use to = wasn't a habit / state


  • We would have to copy everything from the board.
  • On a typical day, we would start assembly at 9am.
    • would + infinitive to describe past habits only.
    • wouldn't - was never a habit!
  • On a typical day, he'll get up at 7am.
    • will + infinitive can also describe a present habit!


  • They were always asking questions about my lessons.
  • He's always rushing from place to place.
    • be always -ing to emphasize something happened / happens often.


  • My colleagues helped me to plan classes.
  • From 10am to 4pm, he focuses on his studies.
    • Simple forms obviously also describe past actions, habits, states, etc. But was it one time or many? Ambiguous.

Upper-Intermediate | Adult Learning

By Adam Wyett

Upper-Intermediate | Adult Learning

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