Adam Wyett PRO
I am an ESL teacher based in Saint Etienne, France. I use Slides to share and present my presentations live while teaching group-classes in lo-tech environments.
Which courses do you think could help you to...?
communicate more effectively, entertain guests, help other people, get fit, understand part of another culture, save money, be more creative, understand people
Read the brochure again. Which courses a) do you definitely NOT want to do, b) are you not sure about or c) are not interested in?
Use the expressions and develop your ideas.
What's the difference between these terms?
Complete the sentences. The first letter is given. Do you agree?
Write some sentences about these topics using the forms:
- an entertaining or useful course you did or are doing.
- a fellow student you'll never forget.
- what you did during breaks or after school.
By Adam Wyett
I am an ESL teacher based in Saint Etienne, France. I use Slides to share and present my presentations live while teaching group-classes in lo-tech environments.