Adam Wyett PRO
I am an ESL teacher based in Saint Etienne, France. I use Slides to share and present my presentations live while teaching group-classes in lo-tech environments.
Standing out from the crowd
going with the flow
going against the grain
Beating around the bush
pulling someone's leg
Rub someone the wrong way
wear out/ outstay your welcome
Let the cat out of the bag
Play a joke by not telling the truth
go against the generally accepted practice or societal norms
Adhering to established guidelines or following societal norms.
do what others are doing or agree with their opinion
Be deliberately ambiguous or unclear. Avoiding the topic.
Stay too long or visit too often
Reveal a secret or surprise by accident
Irritate someone
Playing by the rules
be noticeable
Putting on a brave face
masking emotions or difficulties
Pushing the envelope
testing the limits of what is acceptable
Gwen Dewar, writer and anthropologist
birds, cattle, fish, insects, lions, whales
Swarm relates to insects, and elicits images of infestation, plague, etc.
6:07 - 16:46
Talk to your partner about something they or other participants said during the class / about a discussion you had with a neighbour / about a debate your recently had with a friend.
Use reported speech.
By Adam Wyett
I am an ESL teacher based in Saint Etienne, France. I use Slides to share and present my presentations live while teaching group-classes in lo-tech environments.