Axel Vanzaghi
Summary :
- Viveris Technologies presentation
- OpenStack presentation
- OpenStack integration
- Conclusion
Viveris Technologies
The Viveris group :
- Created in 2000
- Ingésoft, B2i and CSO informatique fusion
- 800 colleagues
- turnover of 56 Millions of euros
OpenStack presentation
What is it ?
"OpenStack is a free and open-source software cloud computing software platform. Users primarily deploy it as an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solution. The technology consists of a series of interrelated projects that control pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center—which users manage through a web-based dashboard, command-line tools, or a RESTful API."
- Wikipédia
OpenStack presentation
Few informations
- Launched in july 2010 by the NASA and Rackspace
- Open Source project under Apache 2 license
- Managed by OpenStack fundation
- Maintained and developped by an international community
OpenStack presentation
What can we do
- Manage virtual machines (instances)
- Manage virtual networks with connectivity to real networks
- Redundant and decentralized data storage
- Monitoring of the resources usage
OpenStack presentation
What we can't do
- Create system images
- Booting via the network (PXE boot)
- Time driven snapshoting
OpenStack presentation
OpenStack components
Keystone : Authentication service
Glance : Images store
Swift : Decentralized data storage
Neutron : Virtual networks manager
Nova : Virtual machines manager
Cinder : Virtual hard drive manager
Heat : Orchestration service
Ceilometer : Monitoring service
Horizon : Web user interface
OpenStack integration
OpenStack integration
Intégration OpenStack
Additional workaround
"Cloud Aware" Images
Debian 7 : Existing softwares
Debian 6 : Extraction of the useful components
from the debian 7 softwares
OpenStack integration
Additional workaround
Multiples external networks :
Interesting project
Currently trying to be involved in OpenStack development
Any questions ?
Openstack english
By Axel Vanzaghi
Openstack english
- 798