Music Contents Page 

Q Contents Page 


The masthead of this contents page is very simple but clear to understand as to which page the reader is on, its positioned in the middle at the top of the page so that the heading is visible to the audience. Having such a simple heading makes the page slightly boring but also can come across as being professional and sophisticated as they have kept the font and the sizing very standard, this suggests that maybe its this page isn't looked in detail by the readers and so everything on the page is kept basic as not too much is going on within it. This also shows that the magazines is aimed at an older age group such as older teenagers. The colours used for the masthead is a solid red background with white text in front, this combination of colours allows the readers attention be attracted to the heading because the white writing stands out from the red background but also because the white background on the page allows the heading to attract the attention of the readers. The heading is bigger than the issue number which suggest that this is irrelevant to the page and therefore is something that they don't wish to present on the page but are required to show this kind of information, its also in white so that it blends in with the main heading. Being placed in the center of the page suggest the importance of the page and directing the reader as to what they will find on this page.   


There are three main images used but the main attraction of the page is Ellie Goulding which is placed in the left hand side of the page and also has the biggest picture, by having  a bigger picture compared to the other two suggest that she is the center of attraction of the page where most of the audience attention will divert to also because she is big in the music industry and so is able to attract the attention of the audience, by having a extreme close up shows the expressions on her face which is seen to be very bland but yet sophisticated, and by her eyes directly looking into the camera shows that she is directly looking into the audience eye which also captivates them into the magazine, the image is in a dull dark ink which makes Ellie Goulding come across differently to what she would normally look like this therefore shows a different side of personality therefore engaging the audience. Having the bold '7' sign on the right implies that the artical is on that page and due to the size of the number suggest that this is the main artical.  The other two images are placed below Ellie Goulding which implies that they are less important than her in the magazine as the size of the image is also smaller shows they have less significance on the page and so are not given a lot of attention compared to Ellie Goulding in the readers perspective. However saying that, they have been put onto the page for a reason and so might be listed in the features section, the way the male subjects are looking in different directions of the camera attracting the audiences and compels them to view the artical. The posture of the male artist is in a straight up right position which shows importance attracting the viewers attention. 

Colour Scheme

The house style throughout the contents page is red, white and black, these are the theme of the magazine which is continuously used throughout the whole magazine. The use of red shows that the page is a bit more unusual because music magazine tend to be bright colours and lively but this contents page is  different in terms of its target market audience as its Rock and Roll and so this is being slightly stereotypical because all dark colours and reds and backs are used as their readers are seen to like these kinds of colours. However the white background and text are seen as a neutral colour and so can be portrayed in many different ways as to what the meaning could be but on this page the white is used so that the page is easily readable by the audience. There is a constant repetition throughout the page by this i mean that the heading on the page are all the same with a red background with white text on top this is so that the page doesn't get too hectic for the readers so that its unable to be read by the audience. Black for the sub text has been used throughout the page when describing the features or headings this is in a standard colour and in normal font throughout the page this allows the readers to clearly read the text. This is appealing because it allows you to identify some of the stories in the magazine.  


The layout across the page is simple and professional this so that the the readers are able to follow the page easily, the example of this is the number that are beside the images this is so that the reader are able to navigate throughout the page. Also having heading above the descriptions allows an indication to the readers what the topic is about. All the images are placed on the left hand side of the page this is so that the images aren't cluttered across the page so that the readers aren't able to understand whats going on, therefore this is why giving a side for images and side for text separate allows the page to be navigated easily and making it look professional. Layout for a contents page is very important because the audience needs to be able to want to look at the page and this done through having a simple and elegant look on the page. Also having these numbers next to the description tells the readers what page the topic is on so that the readers are able to acess the page without any difficulty.     


The sizes of the font are similar but slightly different by this juxtaposition i mean that the heading are more bolder and therefore more noticeable by the audience attracting their attentions and the text underneath that is all of similar size and fonts as they have less importance because the main attraction of the page is what sort of features are on the page and so this will determine whether or not the readers want to carry on reading. Having the font style all the same for heading and then font style same for the description suggests that the magazine did this so that it doesn't get too much as their is a lot of writing on the page and so this can 'put off' the readers wanting to read and so is important that the page looks as professional and appealing as possible for the target audience making them wanting to buy the magazine 


The type of laganagued used here is very simple and on point, because their isn't too much writing which suggests that they want to keep it clear and professional with the amount of text on the contents page. The language is the type that would be used in day to day lives and so implies that its targeted at a wide range of audiences and not just a specific type. Unfortuanlly the text isn't seen out to be very clear to read on here due to the quality of the image. However a variety of text is used in terms of all the different topics that are talked about within the magazine. The topics have been split up into different themes so that its clear to understand what will be talked about underneath. Their is less describtive language used such as 'soapbox' as this could mean anything and therefore implied in many different ways from the audiences as it could mean anything but not explained very well and so therefore is basic. In terms of the right type of language used Q magazine isn'y very good because it doesn't really explain a lot and so is seen to be very vague, because it seems that the readers have to search for themselves in order to know what they magazine is all bout. 


By ayeshazafar1


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