3D on the Web & WebXR
By Ayşegül Yönet
Ayşegül Yönet
Cloud Developer Advocate for Azure AI & Mixed Reality
Co-Chair for W3C Immersive Web Working Group
Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies
Twitter and Instagram @AysSomething
Slides: bit.ly/WebXRSlides
What are the possibilities of 3D and WebXR
How to create 3D experiences with most popular libraries
How to turn your 3D experiences into Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality experiences.
Title Text
Future is Web
Nineteen Eighty-Fortnite - #FreeFortnite from Fortnite on Vimeo.
"Apple Inc. threatened to:
- remove Epic Games Inc.’s developer account
- cut off its developer tools and
- limit its ability to supply key graphics technology to other apps
in the latest skirmish in a battle over app store fees."
Producing Technical Standards
Education and Outreach
Develops Software
Open Forum for Web
W3C Strategy Funnel
Immersive Web Working Group
Immersive Web Community Group
Mixed Reality Toolkit
Mixed Reality Toolkit WebXR
Mixed Reality Toolkit
Mixed Reality with Unity Documentation:
MRTK Toolkit for Unity:
What's Next?
WebXR Basic Scene
WebXR Gitbook:
WebXR Github:
Demos and Resources
- LearnXR Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/LearnXR
- WebXR: bit.ly/WebXRYoutube
- BabylonJS: bit.ly/BabylonYoutube
- XR Developer: bit.ly/XRDevYouTube
- immersiveweb.dev/#babylon.js
- BabylonJS Documentation WebXR Samples: bit.ly/BabylonWebXR
- Documentation: bit.ly/MixedRealityDocs
- Resources: bit.ly/MixedRealityResources
- HoloLens Samples: servo.org/hl-home
- Code: github.com/servo/servo.org/tree/gh-pages/hl-home
Thank You For Your Attention!
WebXR Device APIs
By Ayşegül Yönet
WebXR Device APIs
Introduction to 3D on the web and immersive experiences with WebXR Device APIs.
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