Layering Your Application: Increasing Signal by Removing Noise
By Barry O' Sullivan
Layering Your Application: Increasing Signal by Removing Noise
This is a small workshop that teaches developers DDD skills that will benefit them on a day to say basis. Rather than focussing on the tactical patterns (ValueObjects, Aggregates, Factories, etc . . .) we're instead going to focus on high level architecture and the various layers they can use. From this we can figure out where code belongs and how to structure our applications so that they're easier to understand and test. The workshop will be broken down into three parts: 1. Overview of an Onion Architecture and Ports and Adapters - What are your inputs and outputs? 2. Mapping the existing system - List out all the libraries, services, concepts used in your system, where do they live currently? 3. Separating the layers - Take the results above and categorise each of them, where do they belong? How would we layer them in an ideal world?