Before we begin . . .
Where do you want to go?
Please take a few minutes and jot down your answers to the following questions:
- What role do you want?
- What skills does that role require?
- How do you plan to get there?
Making your Career Happen
Barry O'Sullivan 2018
Hands-on Session Structure
- Key Concepts
- Discuss your domains
- Map your domain
- Networking
- Conclusion
Key Concepts
Types of Employment
- Employee
- Freelancer
- Contractor
- Entrepreneur
- Junior
- Mid
- Senior
- Lead
- Principal
Experience Levels
Company Size
- Startup
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Enterprise
- Language
- Software Design
- Architecture
- Infrastructure
- Networking
- Testing
- Nginx
- Continuous Integration
- Business
- Finance
- Sales
- Confidence (in self and team)
- Clean Code
- Legacy Wrangler
- QA
- Frameworks
- Training
- Collaborating
- Presenting
- Data Analysis
- Product Dev
- Interviewing
- Management
- Project Management
- Overcoming inferiority complex
- DDD (Document Driven Design)
- Database
- Caching
- HTTP Caching (Varnish)
- AWS/Could
- Agile
- Scrum
- XP
What's missing?
What skills do you think you need in software development?
- Split into groups of 2 to 4
- For 5 minutes, discuss the skills you think are missing
- Tell the room what you think
The Role Path
- Director of X
- Principle Architect
- Tech Lead
- Solution Architect
- Application Owner
- QA Engineer
- QA Tester
What's missing?
What are the other roles/paths that someone could take
- Split into groups of 2 to 4
- For 5 minutes, discuss the roles you think are missing
- Tell the room what you think
Ways to Progress
Gaining new Skills:
- Training
- Practice
- Mentoring
- Dive in the deepend
Moving into a role:
- Wait for a Role to open up
- Join a startup
- Switch company
Networking (30mins)
- Take two nametags
- Write your name on one. On the other, write:
- The role you have
- The role/skill/experience you want
- Talk to people that can help
or - Talk to people that you can help
- Share tips/techniques on how to progress your career!
What discoveries have we made tonight?
Making your Career Happen
By Barry O' Sullivan
Making your Career Happen
- 1,149