Using Interfaces Effectively

Why do Interfaces exist?

To make our jobs easier

Less of this

More of this


Who am I

  • Lead Developer, Solutions Architect, Trainer
  • Architect of many, many apps
  • Recovered Architecture Astronaut
  • A little DDD and EventSourcing obsessed
    (I will talk for hours)







Separate the details from the behaviour

What you want to do

How you want to do it

Send a letter to an address

Use the postal service


Remove noise to makes things clearer
​(See the forest for the trees)



Same behaviour, different implementations

What you want to do

How you want to do it

Send a letter to an address

Use the postal service

  Deliver via Jetpack


The Benefit of Interfaces

Less Mess

More Clarity

Interfaces Example


namespace App\Services;

use App\ValueObjects\ {Message, Address, MessageCollection};

interface MessageDelivery 
    public function deliver(Message $message, Address $address);

    public function fetch(Address $address): MessageCollection;



namespace App\Services;

class MessageDeliveryException extends \Exception {}


namespace App\Services;

class MessageDeliveryException extends \Exception {}



Interface Implementation

namespace App\Services;

use App\Service\ {MessageDelivery, MessageDeliveryException};
use App\ValueObjects\ {Message, Address};
use PostOffice\ {Letter, PostBox, FullException};

class MessageDeliveryPostOffice implements MessageDelivery
    private $post_box;

    public function __construct(PostBox $post_box)
        $this->post_box = $post_box;

    public function deliver(Message $message, Address $address)
        try {
            $letter = new Letter($address->toArray(), $message->value());
        } catch (FullException $e) {
            throw new MessageDeliveryException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);

    //... fetch implementation omitted


Binding the Interface

<?php namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Env;
use App\Service\MessageDelivery;
use App\Service\ {MessageDeliveryPostBox, MessageDeliveryFake, MessageDeliveryTimer};

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
    	if ($this->app->environment() == Env::TESTING) {
    	    $this->app->singleton(MessageDelivery::class, MessageDeliveryFake::class);
    	} else {
            $this->app->singleton(MessageDelivery::class, function(){
                return new MessageDeliveryTimer(
	            new MessageDeliveryPostBox()


Decisions, decisions

Implementation B

Implementation A

Choosing your implementation

Using the interface


namespace App\Controllers\Http;

use App\Service\MessageDelivery;
use App\ValueObjects\ {Message, Address};

class MessageDeliveryController
    private $message_delivery;

    public function __construct(MessageDelivery $message_delivery)
        $this->message_delivery = $message_delivery;

    public function handle(Request $request)
        $message = new Message($request->input('message'));
        $address = new Address($request->input('address'));

        $this->message_delivery->deliver($message, $address);


Testing interfaces

Integration tests


namespace Tests\Integration\App\Service\MessageDelivery;

use App\Service\MessageDelivery;

abstract class MessageDeliveryTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    abstract protected function makeMessageDelivery(): MessageDelivery;

    public function test_delivering_a_message()
        $message_delivery = $this->makeMessageDelivery();

        $message = new Message("Hi there");
        $address = new Address(["line 1", "line 2", "Wexford", "IE"]);

        $message_delivery->deliver($message, $address);

        $delivered_message = $message_delivery->fetch($address);

        $this->assertEquals($message, $delivered_message, "Messages should match");


When to use Interfaces

There is more that one way to do something in the codebase


  • You want to change behaviour, based on a value
  • You want to change technologies/libraries
  • Your acceptance tests are incredibly slow

Do not add interfaces for the sake of interfaces


Seeing the forest for the trees

Extracting interfaces from existing code

  1. Categorise code as either intent or implementation
  2. Move implementation details into intent named methods
  3. Extract these methods into a class and inject into object
  4. Look for implementation changes based on input
  5. If they exist, extract an interface
  6. Extract implementations into appropriate classes
  7. Bind at runtime, or create depending on input


Real World Interfaces



Captain's Log

<?php namespace Psr\Log;

interface LoggerInterface
    public function emergency($message, array $context = array());

    public function alert($message, array $context = array());

    public function critical($message, array $context = array());

    public function error($message, array $context = array());

    public function warning($message, array $context = array());

    public function notice($message, array $context = array());

    public function info($message, array $context = array());

    public function debug($message, array $context = array());

    public function log($level, $message, array $context = array());



Let's file this away for later

<?php namespace League\Flysystem;

interface AdapterInterface extends ReadInterface
    const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'public';
    const VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'private';

    public function write($path, $contents, Config $config);

    public function writeStream($path, $resource, Config $config);

    public function update($path, $contents, Config $config);

    public function updateStream($path, $resource, Config $config);

    public function rename($path, $newpath);

    public function copy($path, $newpath);

    public function delete($path);

    public function deleteDir($dirname);

    public function createDir($dirname, Config $config);

    public function setVisibility($path, $visibility);


The Workshop


  • Split into teams of 4 - 5 people
  • 15 mins to get to know each other
  • Setup the workshop codebase
  • Choose a challenge to complete together


Take an existing Laravel 5.5 App and solve problems using interfaces


Challenge 1

PSR3 (Beginner)

We want to switch from our own naive implementation of a logger to the PSR3 standard



  • Open up the `RequestLogger` middleware
  • Extract the logger logic and wrap in a PSR3 interface
  • Bind your implementation to the interface and inject it into the middleware
  • Swap the implementation with Monolog


Challenge 2

Slow API (Intermediate)

A slow API is slowing down our acceptance tests. We want to use a fake one during those tests.



  • Code lives in `Controllers\Front\PostController`
  • When testing use the fake
  • When in local/staging/production use the real one
  • Make the caching easy to enable/disable


Challenge 3

Caching and timing (Hardmode)

The contacts list in admin is constantly getting hit with requests and it's impacting the DB. We want to add a cache, but we don't know which one is best.


  • Write a cache in both Redis and the FileSystem
  • Make it easy to switch one version for another
  • Time how fast each cache is
  • Make it easy to enable or disable the timer
  • * Cache must be cleared when a user is stored           (expect Eloquent to get in the way here)


Getting started

  1. Get your computer
  2. Go to
  3. Follow the install instructions
  4. Choose a challenge and get to it!





Workshop URL:

Workshop: Using Interfaces Effectively

By Barry O' Sullivan

Workshop: Using Interfaces Effectively

Slides to introduce the concepts of interfaces and the following workshop challenges.

  • 1,301