Web Services
with Mocha
- There is a lot that happens in the Back-end
- Store
- Do some action over HTTP -> Serialize
- Goes to an event store -> queue
- Handle an Event
- Read
- Query over HTTP
- Read the data
- Serialize it back -> Send to client
Consumption is all JavaSCript
We test client side code that uses the backend
- Single test to rule them all
- Verifies the back-end is fit for purpose
- True E2E for the backend
Why not Angular midway testing
Been there done that.
Didn't like:
- Speed (karma is slower then raw Node.js)
- Difficult to write tests
- Why care about angular.module (codegen!)
- scope.apply!
We love our Codegen
Modular services
- Approvals
- Assets
- Catalogues
- Photography
- ....
- All of these are Angular Services
Simplifying Codegen
Abstract away $http
Have a JavaScript (TypeScript) class that has
"get, post, delete, put"
Gives us an opportunity to handle global errors
(404, 500)
- Simplify client side URL generation
A better Get Action
Sample Generated Service
A service that depends on BaseHttpService
Abstract for Node.js
Our front-end code remains unchanged.
We just instrument it for Node.js
Sample front end code:
The reward
The reward
Better debugging
See whats going on
- Mocha is fast, simple and you have all the power of Node.js
- Frontend :
Abstract away $http - Mocha:
Write your $http, $injector. Bring in cool stuff like $q
- Advantages:
- Run Speed
- Developer happiness
Testing Web Services
By basarat
Testing Web Services
- 1,587