
1) Placing and realisation of the concrete block for the embedding (p.4)

2) Assembly of the main frame (p.8)

3) Assembly of the second frame and the cladding (p.11)

4) Roofing installation (p.24)

5) Installation of the cladding (p.28)

6) Installation of the finishing accessories (p.30)

7) Specific assembly depending on your purchased (p.33)

8) Annex (p.36)



4a rue Pletzer

L-8080 Bertrange

Grand Duché du Luxembourg


Sales Department

Tel : 00 352 20 20 10 30

Fax : 00 352 20 20 10 01




Assembly brochure

By batimentsmoinschers

Assembly brochure

Check our assembly notice from our buildings

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