(And Restaurants)


What is an API?

  • Application Programming Interface
  • A program (software) that is interacted with by other programs (as opposed to human users)
  • It can be a web API, where requests are made to a server from a remote client (which is what we are building), but it can also be something like a programming library (a set of prebuilt functions that can be imported into a program)

Where our API Fits In

A user performs an action in an app client that makes a request to the app server

The app server makes a request to the Network API

The Network API fulfills the request and sends the data to the app server, which then sends the data back to the client

Relevant Concepts

  • Specification
  • Requests
  • Architecture
  • Servers
  • Infrastructure
  • Databases
  • Events
  • Background jobs
  • Tech debt


  • Describes how users can interact with the API
  • Comprised of requests and their corresponding responses
  • Tech example: (GET /users/123 responds with {name: Anakin})
  • Analogical example: a restaurant menu


  • A request is how information is accessed from an API
  • A response is the fulfillment of a request
  • Analogical examples:
    • Request – a restaurant customer ordering a meal
    • Response – the meal being served

Anatomy of a Request

  • A request is made from a client (the program making the request) to a server (the program accepting the request)
  • It is comprised of the following components:
    • An action/verb, e.g., GET, PUT, DELETE
    • An endpoint, e.g., /users/123
    • (Sometimes) a payload, e.g., name: Anakin
  • ​It results in a response from the server and, sometimes, other actions, e.g., data being stored in a database


  • The design or structure of the API (similar to real-life archetecture)
  • Analogical example: the layout of a restaurant, (including the dining area, kitchen, language spoken, design of tables and chairs, placement of the settings, etc.)


  • Servers are programs that accept and fulfill requests from clients
  • Sometimes computers are referred to as servers but, technically, the term 'server' is referring to the program(s) running on them
  • Analogical example: the chefs/cooks in the kitchen preparing ingredients, cooking food, etc.


  • The actual machines that code, databases, etc. are running on
  • Analogical example: the ovens, stoves, mixers, counters, etc. in a kitchen


  • Application-wide data storage and retrieval
  • Many different types for many different applications 
  • Analogical example: The refrigerator and freezer

Search vs Transactions

  • Search is when a client would like a relevant list of results that are (hopefully) related to a given input
  • A transaction is when a client is asking for (or providing) something using an exact identifier
  • Analogical examples:
    • Search: going to the produce section of the  grocery store to find vegetables for a salad
    • Transaction: scanning a products barcode to find its price, the isle it is stored on, etc.


  • An event refers to a notification after a specific action takes place
  • An event is usually followed by some work (another action) being performed
  • Analogical examples:
    • Event – a customer finishes eating
    • Following work – the check is brought to the customer

Background Jobs

  • Work performed behind the scenes
  • Technical example: an email being created and sent when a user forgets their password
  • Analogical example: buspeople cleaning up tables, washing dishes, setting tables, etc.

Technical Debt

  • Technical debt is accrued as a byproduct of creating software over a period of time
  • It is often quite difficult to understand technical debt until after a product, or enchancement to an existing product is complete (or at least nearly complete)
  • Analogical example: the mess created in a kitchen during service, wear and tear on cutlery, broken dinnerware, etc.

APIs (and Restaurants)

By Benji

APIs (and Restaurants)

  • 52