2020 Dec
Financial Programming & System Trade
- The purpose of this group
The purpose of this group is to chase the best method for financial trade in terms of tech aspect.
we use python/C++/C# or even AI. Also we will check current tech stock market such as ZM, APPL, AMZN, TSLA, QQQ from technical and fundamental aspects. Stock market report is also included.
- Target People
Those who are interested in putting tech stock in your portfolio and know more about fundamental or technical aspect.
- Introduction-
Trading Technologies


Look Back 2020 Market
Daw +4% YoY

S&P +13% YoY
Nasdaq +36% YoY

AAPL +64% YoY

AMZN +63% YoY

FB +32% YoY

GOOG +29% YoY

- Tech Big news -
- Covid 19 -

- America Election -

- Stimulus package -

- Sued FB, GOOG -

- IPO / Unity Snowflake, AirBnb, Doordash -

- Salesforce merges Slack -

- Tesla joins S&P500 -

- SalesForce joins DAW -

- 5G -

- Remote -

- vaccine -

Why can they made and
deliver so fast?
egg based method

Why can they made and
deliver so fast?
DNA method

Financial Python
(Fundamental Analysis)

Covid-19 Era

So then who gain more profits from Covid-19?

Stock Holders
Because Capitalism, company is supposed to protect and maximise the profit of share holders.

Jeff bezos
bill gates
bernard arnault
mike zuckerberg
steve ballmer
warren buffett
larry page
sergey brin
mukesh ambani
elon musk

He gained 3 times assets compared to what he earned during 17 years
Simply he owns the stocks of tesla.
You may wonder why the stock is growing so fast..
One of the factor is..

Federal Gov. support all citizens

means supply more money

How the stock price is decided?

How the stock price is decided?
How the stock price is decided?
Current 10K
Future 10K
interest rate 10%
not equal
How the stock price is decided?
Current 10K
Future 11K
interest rate 10%
1 year
How the stock price is decided?
Current 10K
Future 11K
interest rate 1%
1 year
This has to go up


Millennial generation
Older generation
generation Z

Stock is already high,,
Bitcoin is also high..
Rule of 40%
Revenue growth %
Profit growth %
PSR(PS Ratio)
Market Cap / Revenue
Rule of 40%
My speculation
*Please remind you
that investment is your own risk.
Vaccine vs Covid 19

Recovery Stocks
Covid 19 Stocks


What happened to Zoom
Stop sales in china
Restructure for securities




Revenue growth
Market Share


Technical aspect
Looking for speaker
Thank you
2020 Dec Financial Programming & System Trade
By Beavis28
2020 Dec Financial Programming & System Trade
- 299