Initialization and Clean up

Advanced Programming

SUT • Spring 2019


  • Init methods

  • Constructors

  • No Destructor

  • Initialization

  • Cleanup



  • An instantiated object, is not a ready object

  • It may be and invalid object

    • Person p = new Person();

    • p is an object without name, id and, …

    • p is an invalid object

  • It should be initialized


public class Student {
    private String name;
    private long id;
    private String homepage;

    public void setName(String name) {
    	if (name != null && !"".equals(name.trim()) &&
            name.matches("[a-zA-Z ]+")) 		
   = name;
    public void setId(long id) {
    	if (id > 10000000 && id < 100000000)
   = id;
    public void setHomepage(String homepage) {
        homepage = homepage;

Initialization Method

public void init(String name, long id) {

Using the Object

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Student st = new Student();
    // st is an invalid object now
    st.init("Hossein Alizadeh", 45205068);
    // st is initialized now. ready to be used
Circle c = new Circle();

Book b1 = new Book();
b1.init(“من او”, “رضا اميرخانی”);
Book b2 = new Book();
b2.init(“شاهنامه”, “ابوالقاسم فردوسی”);

init() Method

  • What are the disadvantages of init() method?

  • Init method is invoked manually

  • There is no guarantee for init invocation

  • Before calling init method, the object has an invalid state


  • Constructor is a special method

  • With the same name as the class

  • Without any return type

  • A constructor is called when an object is instantiated

    • No invalid object

Constructor example

public class Circle {
    private double radius;
    public Circle(double r) {
        radius = r;

    public double getArea() {
        return this.radius * this.radius * 3.14;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Circle c = new Circle(2);

Default Constructor

  • Constructors may have parameters

  • Default constructor: no parameter

    • Is implicitly implemented

    • You can write your own default-constructor

    • If you write any constructor, default implicit constructor is vanished.

Array Samples

public class Circle {
    private double radius;
    public Circle(double r) {
        radius = r;

    public Circle() {
        System.out.println("Default Constructor");

    public double getArea() {
        return this.radius * this.radius * 3.14;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Circle c = new Circle(2);

Default Constructor



  • Java needs no destructor

  • Destructor method in C++

  • Java has a finalize() method

  • You can implement it for your class

Finalize method

  • Java has no destructor

  • Java has a special method: finalize

  • finilize() is called when the object is garbage-collected

  • If garbage collector is not invoked

    • finalize() method is not called

  • Why we may need finalize?

  • Garbage collection is only about memory


public class Circle {
        private double radius;
	public Circle(double r) {
		radius = r;
	public String toString() {
		return "Circle [radius=" + radius + "]";
	public void finalize() throws Throwable {
		System.out.println("Finalize: " + toString());
	public static void main(String[] args) {
	private static void f() {
		Circle c = new Circle(2);

Title Text

Initialization and Clean up

By Behnam Hatami

Initialization and Clean up

Initialization and Clean up / Advanced Programming Course @ SUT, Spring 2019

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