JavaScript 101

Web Programming Course

SUT • Fall 2018


  • What is JS?
  • History
  • How To
  • Grammar
  • Variables
  • Data types
    • Value vs Reference
  • Functions
  • Control Flow
  • Operators
    • == vs ===
  • Scope
  • Hoisting
  • Strict Mode

What is JS

JavaScript is a scripting language.


  • Client-side programming




  • Server-side programming
  • Updating content dynamically
  • Control audio/video
  • Handling URL changes
  • ...
  • Web servers
  • Working with databases
  • File system
  • CLI scripts
  • ...

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More on here & here


  • 1995  Mocha (By Brendan Eich at Netscape)
  • 1995  LiveScript
  • 1995  JavaScript
  • 1996  JScript (Internet Explorer 3)
  • 1997  ECMAScript 1.0 (ECMA International) (no closures)
  • 1998  ECMAScript 2.0 (ISO version of ES1)
  • 1999  ECMAScript 3.0 (closures, do...while, switch, try...catch, ...)
  • 2009  ECMAScript 5.0 (Formerly ES3.1, default and strict modes)
  • 2011  ECMAScript 5.1
  • 2015  ECMAScript 2015
  • ...


How To


  • A text editor; a program that allows you to edit plain text files. (Notepad++, Sublime Text, VS Code, Brackets, etc.)
  • A JavaScript runtime; e.g. a web browser or node. (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Opera.)

How To

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  • External JavaScript (in <head> or <body>)



  • Internal JavaScript (in <head> or <body>)




  • Inline JavaScript handlers
<script src="script.js"></script>
  // JavaScript goes here
<button onclick="doSomething()">Click me!</button>



More on MDN & YDKJS

// declaration statement
var a;
var b = 5;

// assignment statement, also an expression
a = b * 2;


var a = 5, b;
b = a * 2;

// 2, a, a*2 and b=a*2 are expressions



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var foo = 'foo' // Single line comment

    Multi-line comment

Block Statement



Loosely typed; case-sensitive.

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var a = 5;
b = 4; // Throws a ReferenceError in strict mode

var a; // More declarations do NOT change the value
a; //-> 5
// Variable declaration with 'var' keyword
var a = 5;
a = 'changed to string';
a = [1, 2, 3];

a; //-> [1, 2, 3]

Data Types

  • Primitives (are immutable)
    • string
    • number
    • boolean
    • null
    • undefined
    • symbol (ES2015)
  • Objects
    • Array
    • Object
    • Function
// Primitive values
var str = 'my string';
var num = 42;
var bl = true;

// Primitive types wrapper objects
var str2 = new String('my string');
var num2 = new Number(42);
var bl2 = new Boolean(true);

// Objects constructors
var arr = new Array(1, 2, 3);
var obj = new Object();

// literal form of objects
var arr2 = [1, 2, 3];
var obj2 = { key: 'value' };

function add(a, b) { return a+b };

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Data Types

if (somethingWrong) {
  throw new Error("ERR :'(");

// Area of a circle
function area(radius) {
  return Math.pow(radius, 2) * Math.PI

var d = new Date('December 17, 1995');
d.getFullYear(); // 1995
d.getMonth();    // 11
d.getDate();     // 17

var re = new RegExp('[0-9]+');
re.test('Life') // false
re.test('42')   // true

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Built-in Objects

Data Types

How does this work?

// An object with a method
var myObj = { foo: function() { /* ... */ } }

// Calling the method, just works!

/* ===== BUT ===== */

// Primitive string value
var myString = 'my string';

// Calling a method on a primitive value ???

Online Demo

Data Types

Primitives are passed by value.

Objects are passed by reference.

// Primitive values
var foo = 'foo';
var bar = foo;
bar += 'bar';

// Reference Values
var baz = [1, 2, 3]
var qux = baz;

Value vs Reference

More on Codeburst


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// Declaration with 'function' keyword
function square(number) {
  return number * number;

var x = square(4); // x gets the value 16


// Variable declaration with a function as the value
var square = function(number) {
  return number * number;

var x = square(4); // x gets the value 16, same result.


Control Flow

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if (condition_1) {
} else if (condition_2) {
} else {

if...else Statement

Falsy values:

Truthy values:

  • []
  • {}
  • ['']
  • '0'
  • ...

Control Flow

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switch (expr) {
  case 'Oranges':
    console.log('Oranges are $0.59 a pound.');
  case 'Apples':
    console.log('Apples are $0.32 a pound.');
  case 'Bananas':
    console.log('Bananas are $0.48 a pound.');
  case 'Mangoes':
  case 'Papayas':
    console.log('Mangoes and papayas are $2.79 a pound.');
    console.log('Sorry, we are out of ' + expr + '.');

switch Statement

Control Flow

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for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
   // more statements

for Statement

var i = 0;
for (; i < 9; i++) {
    // more statements
var i = 0;
for (;;) {
  if (i >= 9) break;


Control Flow

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while Statement


Control Flow

More on MDN

do...while Statement



typeof 'foo' // string

1 / 2        // 0.5

prop in obj  // true or false

'5' == 5     // true

num & 1      // odd or even

1 && true    // true

num > 3 ? 'High' : 'Low'

str += '_suffix'

var a = b = 5, c = b
// a = 5, b = 5, c = 5

More on MDN

  1. Unary Operators
  2. Arithmetic Operators
  3. Relational Operators
  4. Equality Operators
  5. Bitwise Operators
  6. Binary Logical Operators
  7. Ternary Operator
  8. Assignment Operators
  9. Comma Operator

Strict equality (x === y)

var num = 0;
var obj = new String('0');
var str = '0';

num === num;         // true
obj === obj;         // true
str === str;         // true

num === obj;         // false
num === str;         // false
obj === str;         // false
null === undefined;  // false
obj === null;        // false
obj === undefined;   // false

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  1. Different types? false
  2. x is undefined or null? true
  3. Booleans, strings?
    1. ​Same value? true
    2. Otherwise; false
  4. Numbers?
    1. ​Same value? true
    2. NaN? false
    3. +0, -0? true
    4. Otherwise; false
  5. Objects?
    1. Same object (reference)? true
    2. Otherwise; false


== vs ===


Loose equality ==

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var num = 0;
var obj = new String('0');
var str = '0';

num == num;        // true
obj == obj;        // true
str == str;        // true

num == obj;        // true
num == str;        // true
obj == str;        // true
null == undefined; // true

// both false,
// except in rare cases
obj == null;
obj == undefined;
  1. Same types? ...
  2. undefined or null? true
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. ...


You really don't want to know all the conditions!

== vs ===



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// The following variables
// are defined in
// the global scope
var num1 = 20,
    num2 = 3;

// This function is defined
// in the global scope
function multiply() {
  return num1 * num2;

multiply(); // Returns 60
var name = "John";

// A nested function example
function getScore(num1) {
  var num2 = 5;

  function add() {
    return name + ' scored ' + (num1 + num2);
  return add();

// Returns "John scored 6"


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// ReferenceError: foo is not defined

Accessing undeclared variables:

console.log(foo); //-> undefined

var foo = 'The variable has been hoisted.';

Accessing variables before var statement:

Variable Declaration



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function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

add(3, 4); //-> 7
add(3, 4); //-> ?

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

Function Declaration

Invoking function before function declaration:

"use strict";

  • Get rid of some JavaScript silent errors
  • Let JavaScript engines perform optimizations
  • ...

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"use strict";

function myFunction() {
    y = 3.14; // Err: y is not declared
x = 3.14; // This will not cause an error. 

function myFunction() {
   "use strict";
    y = 3.14;    // This will cause an error
    return this; // this === undefined


JavaScript 101

By Behnam Hatami

JavaScript 101

JavaScript 101 / Web Programming Course @ SUT, Fall 2018

  • 2,074