Audience Expectations

By Bella, Faith and Robbie

We produced a Survey Monkey to find out what an audience would expect from a British drama / thriller genre. We used social media (Facebook) to send out the survey and gather the information. Here is an analysis of the results.

Gathering Data


On average, our main responses were from females, and the main age range who answered were under 18. 


We found that the majority had seen a British drama / thriller film or TV show before, so from this we can assume that the answers are overall more accurate to refer to when appealing to our target audience, which is aged over 15, who prefers to watch 'This is England' and 'Broadchurch' not Hollywood Blockbusters, and who listens to music which is not on the charts.


The answers show that overall people expect a British drama / thriller genre TV show or film to be set in a small town or village in the countryside. Our narrative is set in a small seaside town, therefore subverting the audience's expectations of this genre, which will make it more interesting when they watch our trailer.


An audiences expectations of the age of the main character in this genre is aged 20-40. Once again, we are subverting the genre expectations as our main character is aged 18.


The questionnaire shows that an audience would mainly expect a thought-provoking ending to a film or TV show of this genre, with either a resolution at the end or ending on a cliff-hanger. We have decided to make our narrative have a resolving ending, to avoid leaning into a horror genre, and to try to create an active audience where they consciously have to think and reflect on the film rather than a passive audience.


The 5 main themes that an audience would expect from this genre are: Revenge, crime, murder, betrayal and love. We have subverted the expectations of this genre, having themes such as friendship, betrayal and isolation a the most prominent themes in our trailer.


Overall, the results show that on average people would expect the storyline to be based on a protagonist within the age range 20-40, set in an isolated area with a thought provoking ending, including themes such as revenge, crime and murder as the most prominent themes.

In comparaison to our narrative, we have based it on a ale character aged 18, also set in an isolated area in a seaside town with a thought provoking ending to the film. The themes that we will focus more on in our trailer differ from those expected from an audience, subverting the genre and making our film unique.

Audience Expectations

By bellaamos

Audience Expectations

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