State of the map Belgium
State of the community
Local Chapter
- 'Official' organization
- membership.
- under umbrella of Open Knowledge.
- a constitution & elections of board
- Advantages
- representation of the OSM community in Belgium in the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).
More work to be done and we need to get used to fact we have this structure in place. Learning as we go.
Semi-structured groups of community members focusing on a specific topic.
- Belgium Baselayer.
- Open summer of Code (see talk later)
- Mapper of the month
- Road completion project (see talk later)
- GRB import
- Open Belgium & FOSS4G-BE
- Welcome mappers
- National Mapathon
- ...
Expand some of the 'semi-structured' projects!
We think OSM Belgium should 'support not control' but that doesn't mean we should stay on the sidelines.
Structural cooperation with other organizations.
Funding to take us to the next level.
What do you want do to with OSM, we can help you out!
Visit our booth later!
How can you get involved?
You already are, welcome!
- Join one of the meetups.
- Map or join a mapathon.
- Get in touch with your ideas.
We need everyone!
Our program
- Open summer of code -
- Road completion project
- Landuse discussion
By Ben Abelshausen
- 1,749