There are two types of e-cigarette user (ok, so there are actually loads more, but for the sake of this introduction there are two so bear with me), the cloud chasers and the flavour chasers. I can see the appeal in producing giant clouds, but it’s not what I enjoy about vaping. For me, the flavours come first, and I would rather have an e-liquid that blows me away with taste rather than produces massive clouds.


The web is packed full of guides and videos on how to make the biggest clouds, but there is not a lot out there covering flavour. Most of what I’ve learnt about achieving the best flavours from e-liquids has been through trial and error, mainly error, so I thought I’d try and help out those flavour chasers just starting out with a few hints and tips.


Keeping your wicks, coils and tanks clean is a must if you want to get the best flavours from your e-liquids. Everyone knows this, but as with any cleaning or maintenance people tend to get a bit lazy and don’t always bother. If you’re constantly changing liquids, then you can’t be expected to change your coil every time but try and avoid mixing your flavours too much.

If you’re switching from a strong tobacco e-liquid to something a bit more subtle, then you’re not going to get the best flavour possible. It’s good to have a couple of tanks on the go with different liquids in each and make sure you're cleaning them at least weekly and allowing them to dry out completely.


This is probably the simplest to improve your e-liquids flavour and for me the most fun. All liquids are different and finding the right balance to bring through the flavour perfectly can be very enjoyable. For both wattage and temperature start low and work up gradually until you get the taste to the point you want it.


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