Fike Recreation Center Makeover

Bhargav Golla

Cazembe Kennedy

Nitheesha Chennadi


  • Our goal is to improve the experience of users of Fike Recreation Center
  • We must identify a problem and work towards a prototype of a TECHNOLOGICALLY-based solution


Empathy Map





  • Trying different classes

  • Meeting people

  • Benefits from great workout

  • Come consistently if class is appealing

  • Tell other people about the opportunities

  • “The workouts are actually good” 

  • “Guys typically don’t like going to classes” 

  • Guys more motivated to workout alone

  • The atmosphere of more females is great

  • There is a stigma for male fitness class teachers

  • The stigmas are mostly mental

  • Workouts are just as good, if not better than working out alone

  • Classes are a great opportunity

  • Workouts are more structured because there is a teacher to plan

  • Group fitness is almost a misnomer

  • Unashamed

  • Comfortable and confident in self

  • The girls might not be comfortable with being one of the only males

  • Getting a more holistic workout

Point of View Statements

Describe User

  • Insecure

  • Ignorant

  • Uninformed

  • Self-conscious

  • Self-motivated

  • Uncomfortable

  • Busy

  • Uninterested

  • Stigmatic

  • Confident

  • Strong

Needs a way to


  • Be informed
  • Be motivated
  • Feel comfortable
  • Ignore stigma
  • Learn how advantageous
  • Feel welcome
  • Be challenged
  • Plan the schedule
  • Experience the workout
  • Get a complete workout
  • Not enough time in day
  • Unaware of class schedule
  • They don’t think class is good enough
  • They would like to explore
  • They are afraid to be in a group of females
  • They are unaware of how  group fitness activities work
  • They prefer body toning to training

More specific Point of View

  • We narrowed down our POVs to one with options that was more encompassing
  • Ignorant male users need a way to be informed/experience the workout/get a complete workout because they are unaware of schedule/how group fitness classes work/they don’t think class is good enough of a workout

How Might We...

  • Advertise the class schedule and its advantages to all Fike recreation center users?
  • Use the participants of fitness classes to influence other users?
  • Increase the number of participants of classes provided by Fike?
  • Improve the flexibility of class schedules to accommodate as many users as possible?

How might we...

  • Change the illusions of the users about fitness classes that they are not good enough for them?
  • Gauge male interest in the fitness classes?
  • Remove or lessen stigmas associated with males in fitness classes?
  • Make the fitness classes feel more gender neutral?
  • Use females in the effort to get more males interested in the fitness classes?
  • Make the fitness classes male centered?

Brainstormed Ideas

  • Post on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram accounts. Can post Fitbit activity also
  • Play more neutral music in classes - Can take suggestions from students
  • Set up an online chat portal between instructors and students
  • Use social media where - attendees can post tips/ share their experiences for prospective attendees to gauge the class
  • Automated email to fike users with information about classes they might be interested in
    Include fike calendar in my.clemson app

Proposed Solution

We are planning to create a website/app with the following features:

  • Chat portal for instructors to clear student doubts/ for attendees to share their experiences/ prospective students to share their thoughts
  • Online survey forms to select the music
  • Information related to the classes put together- Calendar, Fees if applicable, Link to a chat portal with discussion related to that particular class, Detailed description of the advantages of the class, a word from the instructor about the class.


Thank You

Fike Recreation Center Makeover

By bhargavgolla

Fike Recreation Center Makeover

  • 806