Responsive Web Design For 


What is Responsive Web Design?

 Fluid column based layout where elements fill into spaces

Adaptive Web Design

Utilizes JavaScript and Server Side Scripting to  tailor the Markup to each device

"Pro Active"

Benefits of Responsive Design

  • Single Code Base  / Page Templates
  • Easier Maintenance
  • Tracking Scripts in single location
  • Better Usability for Customers

Why Have a Responsive site over a just a regular site and a separate mobile site? 

Downsides to RESPONSIVE

  • Heavier Code Base / CSS
  • Possible increase in page load times
  • Designing for all screens sometimes comes with sacrifice
  • Responsive typically requires ground up rebuild
  • Limited Design? (Boxes and Grids)
  • $$$ / More Experienced Developer Needed
  • Longer Development Time

HOw is it DOne?

  • Media Queries
  • Introduced in CSS3 Specification
  • Not Supported In IE8 or Less (JS solutions can help this)
  • Single HTML Code base / Multiple Style sheets 
  • Re size different elements based on screen size (Break Points)

@media (max-width: 480px) {
	.promo .pcol-left {
		float: none;
		margin-right: 0;
		width: 100%;

Designing a Responsive Website

You are designing 3 different websites 
(Desktop, tablet, mobile)

Conventional Design Process 

Mobile First approach


Graceful Degradation vs. Progressive Enhancement

Mobile First Design

Additive vs Subtractive

Forces you to structure content first i.e What is important. The content dictates the layout. 

Prevents Desktop sites being squeezed into a mobile layout at the sacrifice of usability and navigation


Building a Responsive Website

Popular Frameworks - Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation

Start From Scratch and Build Your Own

Responsive For Ecommerce

  • Usability - Deliver the best experience to your customers
  • Not all responsive websites are created equal
  • Navigation - Complete Control
  • Optimized checkout process on each device
  • Email Marketing

Some Great Examples

Today's Responsive Landscape 

Introduction of RWD in 2011
2012 to 2013 Growing in adoption

Top 20 eCommerce Websites
65% Use Stand Alone Mobile
15% no mobile at all
20% Responsive

Thank You

Brennan Heyde
VP Developer Relations, Miva Merchant

Responsive Web Design For Ecommerce

By bheyde

Responsive Web Design For Ecommerce

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