How to Toolkit


Important Ideas

  • Toolkits are a 'framing' for content, a remix about CC
  • It is better to link out to other resources on the Web
  • Take an existing kit and fork it (when possible)!

The CC Toolkit template is licensed CC BY, and was designed by a team of volunteers in the CC community. 

Anyone can make a toolkit

All of the content is viewable in HTML, and the basic template will be available to copy into Wordpress sites. If you can read HTML or edit a WP page, you can remix a toolkit yourself. 

No programming required (but it helps).

Why would I want to make a toolkit?

  • I love Creative Commons, and want to share what I know
  • It's nice to have little bundles of content to share about CC
  • There's no toolkit that focuses on "CC and (insert topic)"
  • An awesome toolkit exists, and I want to translate it!
  • I want to add my personal touch to a toolkit!

Two ways to start

FInd your toolkit

Log into Wordpress and navigate to the site *pages

Your toolkit is already waiting for you, ready to have content loaded into it.

Pieces of the Toolkit

Edit your toolkit

This is what the editor for a toolkit page looks like

Fields to embed media

It's easy to make this toolkit your own. There are areas for text, which can be edited with basic HTML, and pre-formatted areas for media embedding.

Edit fields & text with tags

Describe the content/media

TASL (title of work, author name, source, license)

EMbed a sidebar Video (1/2)

Enter a title, paste in the embed code, write (and link) attribution

EMbed a sidebar video (2/2)

The video will appear and be playable in the sidebar, with attribution details below

EMbed a Slide deck (1/2)

Again, enter a title, paste in the embed code,  and describe (and link) the attribution 

Embed a slidedeck (2/2)

The slides will appear in the sidebar, as above

Upload Media files to Drive

Allow the media to be downloaded

One-click download

When ready, we will create a .zip of your toolkit folder, and place a link to it from the toolkit

Collect localizations

When a toolkit is translated, it can be connected and hosted with the original/base toolkits. Similarly, when a toolkit is adapted or contextualized, it can be mapped and highlighted on the toolkits website.

What you can do with a toolkit

  1. View a useful collection of media that explains CC
  2. Download the toolkit in part or as a whole
  3. Translate the toolkit and submit it to the site
  4. Take a copy of a toolkit and remix it for your own site
  5. Share your remix of a toolkit on the map

CC Toolkits Template / Editing Guide

By Billy Meinke

CC Toolkits Template / Editing Guide

  • 2,879