How to Toolkit
Important Ideas
- Toolkits are a 'framing' for content, a remix about CC
- It is better to link out to other resources on the Web
Take an existing kit and fork it (when possible)!
The CC Toolkit template is licensed CC BY, and was designed by a team of volunteers in the CC community.
Anyone can make a toolkit
All of the content is viewable in HTML, and the basic template will be available to copy into Wordpress sites. If you can read HTML or edit a WP page, you can remix a toolkit yourself.
No programming required (but it helps).
Why would I want to make a toolkit?
- I love Creative Commons, and want to share what I know
- It's nice to have little bundles of content to share about CC
- There's no toolkit that focuses on "CC and (insert topic)"
- An awesome toolkit exists, and I want to translate it!
- I want to add my personal touch to a toolkit!
Two ways to start
FInd your toolkit
Log into Wordpress and navigate to the site *pages
Your toolkit is already waiting for you, ready to have content loaded into it.
Pieces of the Toolkit
Edit your toolkit
This is what the editor for a toolkit page looks like
Fields to embed media
It's easy to make this toolkit your own. There are areas for text, which can be edited with basic HTML, and pre-formatted areas for media embedding.
Edit fields & text with tags
Describe the content/media
TASL (title of work, author name, source, license)
EMbed a sidebar Video (1/2)
Enter a title, paste in the embed code, write (and link) attribution
EMbed a sidebar video (2/2)
The video will appear and be playable in the sidebar, with attribution details below
EMbed a Slide deck (1/2)
Again, enter a title, paste in the embed code, and describe (and link) the attribution
Embed a slidedeck (2/2)
The slides will appear in the sidebar, as above
Upload Media files to Drive
Allow the media to be downloaded
One-click download
When ready, we will create a .zip of your toolkit folder, and place a link to it from the toolkit
Collect localizations
When a toolkit is translated, it can be connected and hosted with the original/base toolkits. Similarly, when a toolkit is adapted or contextualized, it can be mapped and highlighted on the toolkits website.
What you can do with a toolkit
- View a useful collection of media that explains CC
- Download the toolkit in part or as a whole
- Translate the toolkit and submit it to the site
- Take a copy of a toolkit and remix it for your own site
- Share your remix of a toolkit on the map
CC Toolkits Template / Editing Guide
By Billy Meinke
CC Toolkits Template / Editing Guide
- 2,879