Open Education

OER advantages and what happens next.

Billy Meinke / @billymeinke
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Creative Commons (CC)

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.

Copyright and the Web

(One has moved forward, the other hasn't)

Digital content is different

(Things do not work as pictured.)

Cost of a 250-page book

copy by hand - $250
print on demand - $25
make an online copy - $0.0008

ship a print copy - $5
distribute an online copy - $0.0007
-D. Wiley @opencontent

link to source

What's the workaround for restrictive copyright when you want to share?

(Enter: open content)

CC Licenses

Provide a simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions for creative work.

Creators choose the terms


attribution  |  sharealike  |  noncommercial  |  noderivs

Some rights are reserved, but sharing is made easy.

(and creators always get attribution)

License suite


  • CC BY    
  • CC BY-SA
  • CC BY-NC
  • CC BY-ND

and CC0
(public domain dedication)

Layers of a license

  1. legal code
  2. human readable deed
  3. metadata

Make your Intentions Clear

Searchable on the Web

What does this mean for education?

(We have an enormous opportunity at hand)

Open Educational Resources (OER)

"OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others."

-Hewlett Foundation
UNESCO, OECD, + others

Open Educational Resources



Standards-aligned, many digital formats + print available

OpenStax College

(Rice University)

Print on demand at low cost, has saved students $2.3+ million


OER Advantages

Broaden access to education
Extend the reach of public investment
Inspire innovation in technology and pedagogy

Broaden access to education (1/2)

Broaden access to education (2/2)


The Multiplier Effect

(Policy scales)

Extend reach of public investment (2/2)

To ensure that Federal investment of these funds has as broad an impact as possible and to encourage innovation in the development of new learning materials.

US$2bn over 4 years

* Healthcare * Information Technology * Advance Manufacturing *
* Transportation *  Energy *

Inspire new Technologies & pedagogies (1/3)

Students as





Borrow from the Open Source Community

Fork it, fix it, send a pull request and move forward.


Education + Research

What happens to education as research opens up?
(Learners can go as deep as they wish to.)


Elements by Ivan Colic from the Noun Project
Responsive Design by Roman Kovbasyuk from the Noun Project 
Globe by Lorenzo Baldini on the Noun Project 
Check by Mourad Mokrane from the Noun Project
Graph by Piotrek Chuchla from the Noun Project
Flash Cards by Rohan Gupta from the Noun Project

"When I'm done with an e-book" by unknown author. Source.

Other logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Unless otherwise noted, this presentation is licensed CC BY 4.0 International.

Open educational resources

By Billy Meinke

Open educational resources

  • 5,592