Creative Commons
U.S. State Dept. Open Book Project
"OER & Open Policy "
Billy Meinke / Creative Commons
@billymeinke /
This presentation licensed CC BY 4.0 International
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Open Policy - What does it look like?
Examples of OERs
A Question to ponder
What if everything were OER?
Forest service person - 1939 by Cocino National Forest / CC BY-SA
Potential of open Policy
- Extend the reach of public investments
- Lower costs for students
- Inspire new technologies and pedagogies
Definition of OER
(Open Educational Resources)
"OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others."
-Hewlett definition
UNESCO, OECD, + more
The remix
not just access, it's about repurposing, too
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.
Creators have a choice
commercial use | derivative works | downstream copyright
Some rights can be reserved, but sharing is made easy.
(and you always get attribution)
CC in Use
...and more each day.
legal code + human readable deed+ metadata
What does an open policy look like?
A closed model.
How can we do better?
An open model.
(Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training)
"To ensure that Federal investment of these funds has as broad an impact as possible and to encourage innovation in the development of new learning materials."
U.S. Dept of Labor Grants - $2 billion over 4 years
Health, Manufacturing, IT +more, focus on employment
All courseware licensed CC BY
California Community Colleges
Open licensing (CC BY) on all educational resources created with public funds from all Chancellor's Office grants
Durbin Open TExtbook Bill
Affordable College Textbook Act (2013)
Sen. Durbin and Sen. Franken
Grant program to fund pilots, revise, report on student savings
OER Policy Registry
What do OERs look like?
OpenStax College
(Rice University)
Free | Openly (CC) licensed | Peer reviewed
Print on demand at low cost, has saved students $2.3+ million
SBCTC Open Course Library
81 high-enrollment courses, saved students $5.4+ million
Find OER
Things we know
Access to knowledge is a human right.
The cost of copying digital works is almost zero.
The cost of transmitting digital works is almost zero.
Let's focus on things beyond the content.
Q & A
How can CC support the Open Book Project?
CC, OER, & Open Policy for U.S. Dept Open Book Project
By Billy Meinke
CC, OER, & Open Policy for U.S. Dept Open Book Project
- 3,221