OER and the U.S. DOL TAACCCT Program 

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Billy Meinke@billymeinke 

This presentation licensed CC BY
Link to this presentation: <link> 

Why Open Education Matters

Why Open Education Matters from Blink Tower on Vimeo.

Who am I?

  • MEd (University of Hawaii, Manoa)
  • K-12 and Higher Ed Tech & Training
  • Online Course Design & Facilitation
  • Open Education + the Web

Who are the OPEN Partners?

  • Creative Commons
  • Washington SBCTC 
  • CMU Open Learning Initiative
  • Stanford University
  • CAST

Open, high quality, accessible learning resources.

What is CC?

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.

Our Mission


"Creative Commons develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation."

Areas of Work

education  |  government  |  science  |  culture

Global Affiliate Network

What is OER?

"OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others."

Hewlett Foundation Definition

Open (is better!)

4 R's of Reuse

Reuse Revise Remix Redistribute

What can Open Education do?

Potential of Open Education

  • Extend the reach of public investments
  • Lower costs for students
  • Inspire new technologies and pedagogies

What Our Licenses Do

Provide a simple, standardized way for creators to grant copyright permissions to their creative work.


(older than the Web, wasn't designed for it)


Copyright licenses that forge a balance inside the traditional "all rights reserved" setting of copyright

CC Licenses

  • CC BY <--for TAACCCT
  • CC BY-NC
  • CC BY ND
  • CC BY-SA

and the CC0 (public domain dedication)

    Legal + Technical

    legal code + human readable deed+ metadata

    CC in Use


    CC-Licensed Material

    ~500 million works now, and many more each day.

    SBCTC Open Course Library

    81 high-enrollment courses, saved students $5.4+ million

    OpenStax College

    (Rice University)

    Free  |  Openly (CC) licensed  |  Peer reviewed

    Print on demand at low cost, has saved students $2.3+ million


    Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Program

    • $2B Federal grant over 4 years (2011-2015)
    • 185 grants to consortia in all 50 states +D.C. and PR
    • Focused on workforce training, growing industries
    • Development of open courseware, all CC BY
    • This is you! (we are proud to talk about TAACCCT)

    CC BY Requirement for TAACCCT

    • All materials produced or modified with DOL funds are to be openly licensed CC BY
    • Deliverables are to be primarily OER, combined with proprietary content based on specifics of grant
    • Building a pool of OER that will provide a foundation for 2-year institutions

    “to ensure that materials developed with funds provided by these grants result in work that can be freely reused and improved by others.”

    In SGA's for all rounds of TAACCCT grants: doleta.gov/taaccct/applicantinfo.cfm

    What will this open licensing do? 

    • Maximize sharing and reuse, showcase excellent work
    • Allow the content to be found on the web easily
    • Benefit more educators and independent learners 
    • Allow for updates/improvements, customization, and extension of your efforts (with credit given to you!)
    • Contribute living, dynamic content to the digital commons

    You are Participating in the OER Movement 

    Thousands of organizations, institutions, educators and learners around the world

    OPEN Resources for TAACCCT

    Find OER

    Google+ Community

    Private discussion forum and direct support for TAACCCT grantees

    For More Info


    Image by DKindler


    Globe by Lorenzo Baldini on the Noun Project
    Tree by Humberto Pornaro on the Noun Project

    Marking and License Details

    For Project Directors

    DOL Grant Specifics

    • All materials created or modified with grant funds must be licensed CC BY, including pre-existing grantee-owned content
    • Only materials created or modified with grant funds are required to be licensed CC BY. Third-party works are subject to the copyright / intellectual property terms under which they were purchased. Works created without grant funds do not fall under the CC BY license requirement.

    Which Materials?

    (all of them, essentially)

    websites | text | images | audio | video

    • Recruitment flyers, pamphlets, videos 
    • Lessons, modules, course packages
    • Assessments, banks/keys and rubrics
    • +others

    Marking Info

    Marking a Website

    For websites, HTML generated from the license chooser

    Marking a Website: Example

     CHEO: Consortium for Healthcare Education Online
    DOL funding statement + CC BY mark, in footer of webpages

    Marking Offline Text

    Text statement

    Platform Marking

    Flickr on-upload

    Platform Marking (again)

    YouTube on-upload

    [draft] TAACCCT and CC Overview + Marking

    By Billy Meinke

    [draft] TAACCCT and CC Overview + Marking

    • 5,153