OER and the U.S. DOL TAACCCT Program 

Marking and License Details

Billy Meinke@billymeinke 

This presentation licensed CC BY
Link to this presentation: 

CC Licenses

  • CC BY <--for TAACCCT
  • CC BY-NC
  • CC BY ND
  • CC BY-SA

and the CC0 (public domain dedication)

    Layers of the license

    legal code + human readable deed+ metadata

    DOL license requirement (CC BY)

    • All materials created or modified with grant funds must be licensed CC BY, including pre-existing grantee-owned content
    • Only materials created or modified with grant funds are required to be licensed CC BY. Third-party works are subject to the copyright / intellectual property terms under which they were purchased. Works created without grant funds do not fall under the CC BY license requirement.

    Which materials do we mark?

    (all of them, essentially)

    websites | text | images | audio | video

    • Recruitment flyers, pamphlets, videos 
    • Lessons, modules, course packages
    • Assessments, banks/keys and rubrics

    Did grant funds directly contribute to the content's development?
    Will the content be given to DOL?

    They should be properly marked.

    Marking Info

    Marking a Website

    For websites, HTML generated from the license chooser

    Marking a Website: Example

     CHEO: Consortium for Healthcare Education Online

    DOL funding statement + CC BY mark, in footer of webpages

    Marking a Website: Example (2/2)

    NAC: National Aviation Consortium

    DOL funding statement + CC BY mark, in footer of webpages

    Marking a Course: Example


    Marking Offline Text

    Text statement

    Platform Marking

    Flickr on-upload

    Platform Marking (again)

    YouTube on-upload

    CC BY Marking for TAACCCT - Guide

    By Billy Meinke

    CC BY Marking for TAACCCT - Guide

    • 2,516