Creative Commons


World Academy Forum - Oct 2-3, 2013
Billy Meinke / @billymeinke

What is CC?

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.


10 years ago

(thing were very different...)

CC was Born

CC Licenses


*CC0 (public domain dedication)

Creators have choice

Some rights can be reserved, but sharing is made easy


commercial use | derivative works |+ their copyright

The Commons

copiedredistributedrevised  & built-upon  

Legal + Technical

legal code + human readable deed+ metadata

Examples of CC in Use

MIT OpenCourseware - 2,000+ courses
Khan Academy - 3,000 videos
Wikipedia - 4 million+ articles
YouTube - 4 million+ videos
Flickr - 250 million images and video

...and more each day.

Definition of OER

(Open Educational Resources)

"OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others."

-Hewlett definition

California Community Colleges

Open licensing on all educational resources created with public funds from all Chancellor's Office grants


(Trade Adjustment Assistance Community & Career Training)

  • Funded by the US Dept of Labor
  • $2 billion over 4 years
  • All courseware openly licensed (CC BY)

OpenStax College

(Rice University)

Free  |  Openly (CC) licensed  |  Peer reviewed

Print on demand at low cost

What if everything were OER?

Expand the Range

Enhance the Relevance

OER Policy Registry

Open Policy Network

Develop materials strategies for open policy

Bring together people and organizations for change


free ≠ open


CC licenses are the gold standard for open licensing.

We can share and build the future of education together.

Please join us.

World Academy Forum / UC Berkeley Oct 2013

By Billy Meinke

World Academy Forum / UC Berkeley Oct 2013

  • 2,788