Github Workflow Enhancements


Github Protected

  • Protect master/release branches
  • Require pull request reviews before merging
  • Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
  • Require status checks to pass before merging (automated E2E tests + Frontend component tests)
  • Include administrators

Github Merge


  • Limit merge options to `Squash and Merge` and `Rebase`
  • Do not allow `Create a merge commit`
  • Merge messages are useless to construct changelogs and add noise to the git log.  
  • Not all contributors will follow the commit guidelines, squash merge allows to control the commit message that land in the master branch.
  • Sidenote: In order to follow a squash merge workflow successfully it is necessary that every pull request is scoped to a specific feature, bug fix or chore. Maybe that's the hard part in our ecosystem.


  • `security` related labelek segithetik a Security csapat munkajat
  • scope-ra/komponensekre vonatkozo labelek
  • target branch kiolvasas - release tag labelbe beirasa
  • priority: `low`, `high`
  • 🥺help-wanted🥺

Github Draft
Pull Requests

Github +

  • codify your teams norms
  • leaving humans to think about harder problems
  • runs in CI

Github Projects

and Milestones

Watson PR Board example

🤗 Thank You! 🤗

Github Workflow Improvements

By Bálint Lendvai

Github Workflow Improvements

  • 284