Build something great...

But how???

Web Development

in practice

By Bastiaan van der Plaat

if ("I" like @this) then {
  say("Give a 🍕 party!")
} else {
  say("English is a great language!");
then get(a coffee) and sleep(for a while)





The markup language for the web to make cool new stuff

<h1>My English Speech!</h1>
<p>This is a <a href="">HTML</a> page!</p>

An element

The blocks in HTML



Extra options for your elements

<a href="">Google</a>

An example

"Live coding à la creme" ~ bplaat

Basic HTML tags

Tag name Function
h1 > h6 Headers
p Paragraph
ul, ol (Un)ordered list
li List item
a (href) Anchor (hyperlink)
style CSS coms her
img (src) Image
div Basic block
b, i, u bold, italic, underlined text


The language to style your cool new HTML pages

  a {
    color: blue;
  a:hover {
    color: red;

This is plain CSS

First you have a selector...

a {

h1, p {

a:hover {

<p class="red-color text-center">This is red text!</p>

.red-color { color: red; }
.text-center { text-align: center; }

then you have declarations!

body {
  background-color: lightblue;

p:first-child {
  color: red;
  /* This is a single-line comment */
  text-align: center;

/* This is
a multi-line
comment */

Basic Declarations

Property Options
text-align left | right | center | justify
color red | blue | black etc
background-color red | blue | black etc
font-size 16px | 2em etc
font-family "Segoe UI", sans-serif etc
border 1px solid red
font-weight normal | bold


Share your cool new site with everyone you care about

$ npm install -g @angular/cli
$ ng new my-app
$ cd my-app
$ ng serve --open

Login at itslearning

Click on 'Uw bestanden'

Publish your site with itslearning

Click on 'Uw webbestanden'

Upload your .html file

Click on 'Link naar startpagina'

Publish your site with itslearning

Enjoy your new site!


Other sites

Made by Bastiaan van der Plaat

if ("you" have @enjoy) then {
  say("Have a nice day!")
} else {
  say("Eat some 🌯 and sleep.")
then wait(for a while)

Web Development

By Bastiaan van der Plaat

Web Development

English Speech

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