Milwaukee District Attorney's Dashboard
Who Owns What in Milwaukee
Copy of Build a Data Viz Project
Possession of Marijuana Convictions in Wisconsin
How have marijuana possession arrest and conviction trends changed over 10 years in Milwaukee and Wisconsin? Drivers of change: police vs prosecutor decisions Distribution by race/ethnicity
Copy of Build a Data Viz Project
Build a Data Viz Project
Public Allies Milwaukee Presentation
DA Dashboard
Kleczka Presentation
DOJ Presentation
Eviction Prevention Coalition
Milwaukee CJC Meeting of the Whole
Data Day 2019-MCW
Milwaukee Community Development Alliance
Spatial Data Science Conference
Track Milwaukee Evictions
May IHE LL: Data Analysis: The Essential Bits
An overview of essential, data analytic concepts: Tidy data and Split-Apply-Combine
Dots on A Map
Data Analysis: The Essential Bits
An overview of essential, data analytic concepts.