Dots on A Map
Deploying an interactive point map.
Branden DuPont
Data Analyst
Medical College of Wisconsin
Institute for Health Equity
Who I am. What I Do.
- Data Analyst
- Law Clerk
- Expertise: analytics in criminal/civil justice with a spatial emphasis
- Tools I use: Postgres, SQL, QGIS, Python, and Tableau
Overview of Presentation and Workshop
Why Tableau
- General overview
- Examples
- Geocoding process and considerations
- Tidying data
- Using a bulk geocoder
Create a Point Map in Tableau
- Import data
- Dots on a Map
- Add Mapbox map
- Cartography Notes
Brief Intro
- Drag and drop data visualization tool
- Connect to almost any database/data type
- Easily build 80% of visualizations needed
- Deploy online quickly
- Simple choropleth map
- Bivariate Choropleth map
- General Point Map (LSL)
- Advanced point map
- Simple point map
Why Tableau
- price
- learning curve (Arc, Coding)
- power
- customization (80-20)
- data migration
- collaborative
- mobile friendly
- Use in academia and industry (CDC, Local Health Department, CDC again)
- avg pay analysts 70k, developer: $56 hour, 108k)
What Tableau Isn't
- Not for high-level statistics e.g. spatial autocorrelation, ML
- Not for geo-processing e.g. distance calculations or spatial joins
- Not great for static viz or maps
Create a Point Map
Items Needed
- Tableau Downloaded
- Tableau Public Account
- Mapbox Account
- Geocodio Account
- Spreadsheet: Excel, Google Docs, Libre Office
Visualize Vacant Buildings in the City of Milwaukee
Housing = Key Social Determinant of Health
- Get data
- Clean and structure data
- Geocode addresses
- Import data
- Visualize in Tableau
- Add a basemap
City of Milwaukee Data Portal
Geocoding for Viz Basics
- Get coordinates for street addresses
- Juan Shishido general geocoding process:
- identify purpose
- choose geocoder
- preprocess data
- geocode
- verfiy output
- import to viz tool
Import and Visualize in Tableau
Mapbox Basemap and Publish Results
Cartography Notes
Design Elements
Dots on A Map Deploying an interactive point map. Branden DuPont Data Analyst Medical College of Wisconsin Institute for Health Equity
Dots on A Map
By Branden DuPont
Dots on A Map
- 1,021