Universal Applicatons

With React

The Server

The Browser

What is "universal," really?

truly universal apps

The Server

The Browser

"Isomorphic" code

isos = "equal"

morph = "shape"


Michael Jackson

isomorphic code !== isomorphic

Co-founder @ReactJSTraining

Low-level implementation different for each platform.

isomorphic code === universal?




"Write once, run anywhere!"

- Java

A long journey

...slow, clunky, didn't mesh well

Got Java runtimes?


Too bad.

  • Browsers becomes more sophisticated
  • JavaScript offers app-like experiences on all platforms
  • Web Apps seem to be the future of cross-platform apps

The Web Grows Up

  • Android soon follows
  • Native apps provide more responsive experience
  • Web apps constrained by poor mobile performance

the iphone debuts

Conventional Wisdom


React Everywhere!

Declarative Components

One-Way Data Flow

(No Two-Way Binding)

Virtual DOM

React Native

  • Facebook takes it to a new level
  • React and Node tools often work with little adjustment
  • Components render to actual native views, using the native layout system
  • Performance and "native feel" is dramatically improved


A truly universal structure

Greek etymology from:
"Isomorphic JavaScript: Applications which run both client-side and server-side" - isomorphic.net


"Universal" rather than "Isomorphic" popularized by:
"Universal JavaScript" - Michael Jackson

Universal Applicatons with React

By Brandon Konkle

Universal Applicatons with React

  • 1,395