Reaccelerator lighting talk


note to self: see if you can get some time today to revise this before the meeting



What is reaccelerator

  • Library of reusable React components for e-commerce

Why is reaccelerator

  • Creates an accessible e-commerce experience
  • Increase speed to production
  • Fights vendor lock
  • and the dreaded gum disease gingivitis

Bench Project Problems

  • Guerrilla Development
    • No PID = No support
    • No stable team - HBB factor had to be high
    • Onboarding needed to be FAST. 

Choices we made:

  • One Week Sprints
  • Typescript (annotations)
    • For us
    • For you
  • PSCode + gitlab vs. Jira/Bitbucket
    • CI/CD - (worth paying out of pocket for)
  • Mostly Stateless Components, with "passthrough" for stateful components.
  • Using "classnames" and Sass files rather than StyledComponents/CSS-in-JS (which may have been a mistake.) 
  • Storybook for development, Rollup.js for production builds

What we learned

  • Don't fear the "any" (TS)
  • .d.ts files means that even if your end-user isn't using typescript, it's still useful that YOU write in typescript
  • You will die tomorrow.
  • Give the user options - let them choose how best to handle styles/state/etc. - but also give them a good default.
  • The bench might not be the wild west, but on smaller projects you have to be more of a "cowboy coder" and wear many hats. 

Code as if

Current State

  • Incomplete & Ugly but a good foundation
    • Don't expect much from the demo, because it's a UI library. You've seen tons of these, and ours is incomplete.
  • hopefully we've documented it well enough that people can continue to hop-on-hop-off as they get cycled
  • Great project for people trying to get better at: React 16 with Hooks, Typescript, Sass, SSR, writing "utility" software.

Q and A

Reaccelerator lighting talk

By brianboyko

Reaccelerator lighting talk

  • 465