Our Problems are Solvable.

Here is the solution.
To everything.

There is a deep, pervading apathy, that cannot be ignored.

Yet, we have never been less able to afford apathy

No matter who you vote for, it doesn't change anything.

Yet, our votes are still so important, some would try to restrict our right to vote. 

Yes, money buys results in Congress.

Yet, there are still good people on both sides of the aisle.

We live in paradoxical times.

We feel powerless to accept change.
And this feeling is universal

Among the left and the right.
Among all segments of society.

That we have no way to steer the ship of state.

People are talking about


and sadly, many believe the only revolution possible is a violent one.

The call for "revolution" has always come from radicals.

What is scary about our times is that is that some of the voices calling for violent revolution are reasonable and rational. 

But they are still wrong. 

There is a way out of this mess.

But only if we 
truly understand the problem.

Our problem is:

A Conflict of Interests,
& Misplaced Incentives.

Money is powerful in elections.

In 2012, 95% of U.S. House Races

were won by the candidate
who raised the most money. 

That makes fundraising very important

Only 0.05% of Americans are "significant funders" 

and they are powerful.

are weak in elections.

Winner take all voting mandates only two choices.

That means it is difficult to hold politicians accountable.

Most votes will have no impact
on the result of the election.

Over 50% - a majority - of votes are wasted.

"Vote Wastage" is not unavoidable.

It is a known feature.

Politicians use this feature
to alter the impact of elections,
and weaken our votes further.

Politicians have a duty to serve the people.

But the incentive to serve the people,


are weak.

And the incentive to serve the funders,


is strong.

Who you vote for doesn't matter.

What does matter?

Who is better funded.

Who has better manipulated statistics.

Is this reason for despair?

Is this reason for desperation?


What we have is
a problem of incentives.

Problems of incentives are

Solvable Problems.

To solve the problem,

change the incentives.

If politicians have an incentive
 to serve the funders,

and a duty to serve the people,

solve the problem by

making the people the funders.

through citizen-funded elections.

This does not require radical change.

All we need is a federal act.


Money will still buy results in Congress.

But it will be the money of the citizens Congress is sworn to serve.

We must also change elections

2 USC § 2c determines how we elect representatives.
It mandates winner-take-all.

We must move to a

Proportional Representation System.

Proportional Representation Systems

produce representative bodies that better represent the will of the people. 

They ensure minority representation

Eliminate gerrymandering

Make 3rd Parties & Independents viable

And eliminate or massively reduce vote wastage.

Single Transferable Vote

is a proportional system.

Districts elect multiple candidates. ("Superdistricts")

Voters rank candidates in order of preference.

Votes that would have been "wasted"
under Winner Take All
are automatically transferred to second choices
for the next seat until all seats are filled.

With Single Transferable Vote:

Voters can hold individual candidates accountable.

This restores the power of the vote,

and makes the incentive of politicians to serve the voters, strong.

Neither goal is impossible.

Neither goal is even all that difficult.

It's just that people aren't
aware of the options.

So we return to the paradox:

Our "worthless" votes are not an excuse to "check out" of politics
and succumb to apathy.

They are the reason we must redouble our efforts to get involved in politics

beyond just voting.

This is the Revolution that America needs.

It requires no violence.
It is not impossible.

All we need is to stop "doing nothing" and "letting evil succeed."

Thank you.

Created by Brian Boyko

For more information on:

the author

campaign finance reform:

election reform:


By brianboyko


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