React Rally 2019 

Crash Course


  • 📆 2 days 📆 

  • 🧙‍♂️ 21 speakers 🧙‍♀️

  • 🧔 1000s of devs ☕

  • 🍩 Snacks 🍨

  • 💰 Swag and Activities 🏏

Accessible to all

Topics Covered

01. Devtools Features
02. Frontend App Bundles
03. Interactive Storytelling
04. Internationalization
​05. Performance Tuning
06. Nonprofit Social Change
07. Animation - D3 vs React
08. Accessibility
09. UX and Observables
10. The 10x Junior Dev *
11. Building Horrible UX
12. Intro to Lambda Calc
13. Web Assembly
14. Debugging the Debugger
15. Auto Test Generation
16. Design Systems
17. Hooks Pitfalls *
​18. Code as UI
19. Distributed Tracing
20. Evolution of Automation
21. Architecting for Users *

01. Chrome Devtools

Chrome ❤️ ⚛️ (no, really) - Nicole Sullivan

  • Native framework support

  • Improved analytics

  • Considering native support for more HTML components

02. Frontend App Bundles

FAB - The Docker of Frontend - Glen Maddern

  • Docker-style container for apps

  • Cross-cloud standard

  • Redeploy only updated assets

03. Interactive Storytelling

Off Balance: Interactive Storytelling with React

Mihai Cernusca

  • Live UI feedback prototyping

  • Dynamic transitions

  • SVG blending between views

04. Internationalization

Is React Translated Yet? - Nat Alison

  • Challenges of i18n

  • Automated translation CI/CD

05. Performance Tuning

Saving the Web, 16ms at a Time - Josh Comeau

  • Perceived vs Actual Performance

  • KPIs of app performance

  • Dev tooling

06. Nonprofit Social Change

Helping Governments And Nonprofits

With Our Coding Superpower - Joel Denning

  • Just Utah Coders

  • Tech help for causes with little/no funding

  • Maximizing Effect

07. Animation - D3 vs React

Battle for the DOM: D3 vs. React - Danielle Carrick

  • Data Visualization

  • Framework-agnostic patterns

08. Accessibility (A11y)

Battle for the DOM: D3 vs. React - Danielle Carrick

  • Proper UX patterns

  • Color / Navigation Awareness

  • Improvements for all users

09. UX and Observables

Creating Awesome UX with Observables - Feather Knee

  • Decoupled subscriptions

  • Smoother UI

  • Async processing

  • Less plumbing

10. The 10x Junior Dev

So You Think YOU'RE a Junior Dev? - Revel Carlberg West

  • 10-year-old dev

  • Journey from Scratch to JS to React

  • Hands-on Intro to React

11. Building Horrible UX

Horrible Interfaces and How to Build Them - Anthony Frehner

  • Hands-on practice with volume API, <canvas>, machine learning

12. Intro to Lambda Calculus

The Universe in a Single Arrow:

A Live Dive into the Lambda Calculus - Anjana Vakil

  • Understanding λ Calc

  • Functional Programming w/ Javascript

13. Web Assembly

All The Memory Safety Of C Combined With

All The Blazing Speed Of JavaScript -Sarah Lim

  • Background and basics

  • Binary virtual machine

  • Memory safety

  • High performance

  • Portable

14. Debugging the Debugger

Debugging the Debugger - Princiya Sequeira

  • History of debugging

  • Instrumenting code

  • Time Travel

  • Firefox DevTools built with React

15. Automatic Test Generation

Write Fewer Tests! From Automation to Autogeneration

David Khourshid

  • State machines as application flow

  • Formalized state paths enable test generation

  • Better requirements, efficiency, maintainability

16. Design Systems

Harnessing React to Build Consistently Designed Applications

Emily Plummer

  • Primer - GitHub

  • How pre-defined styles and components fix everything

  • Reusable components

17. Hooks Pitfalls

React Hook Pitfalls - Kent C. Dodds

  • All the cool kids are doing it

  • Revamped component lifecycle and state management

18. Code as UI

Code is a User Interface - Justin Falcone

  • Thinking about purpose instead of approach

  • How language design drives application architeture

  • ES 6-10 in 5 years

19. Distributed Tracing

Follow The (Full)stack Trace: Understand Your App with Distributed Tracing - Will Klein

  • Tracing the logic and rendering flows

  • Identifying bottlenecks

  • Distributed telemetry

20. Evolution of Automation

Weaving Tapestries of Code - Jen Luker

  • Evolution of automated computing machines

  • Ideas adopted from other industries

21. Architecting for Users

Human React - Brian Holt

  • Designing apps and UI for users, not devs

  • Meeting human needs while driving business goals (4DX)

Web Assembly (WASM)

  • Fast (successor to asm.js)

  • Smaller file size, faster load times

  • Pre-compiled

  • Cross-platform

  • Memory Safety

  • Binary instruction format for a stack-based VM

  • Sandboxed

  • Transpile target for any language (e.g. C, C#, Rust, Java, Python)

Web Assembly (WASM)

React Rally 2019 Crash Course

By Brian Richins

React Rally 2019 Crash Course

Quick summary of some of the non-React highlights from React Rally 2019

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