UX Mockups

For Developers contributing to:


Last Update: November 2nd, 2014

Last Updated by: Brittany Martin Site Map

Logged Out

As a user (coach), I want to be able to sign into the app or sign up for the app.

Logged In

Redirected from if coach is logged in

As a user (coach), I want to be able to log out of the app. If I'm logged in, I should be automatically directed to my clients. I should not have the ability to sign up. I should be able to search and create my clients only.

Show an Individual Client

As a user (coach), I want to be able to view my individual clients. I want the option to update their information or delete them. I want the ability to add action plans to their record.

Edit the Client

As a user (coach), I want to be able to edit any of my client's information at anytime.

Adding New Client

As a user (coach), I want to be able to create a new client. I need to reminded that Salesforce IDs at 15 char and phone #s need to be formatted +14121111111. I should be able to cancel if I don't want to create a client.

Adding New Action Plan

As a user (coach), I want to be able to add a new action plan to my client.

New Goal Option Available

As a user (coach), I want to be given the option to update my action plan or add a new goal to the action plan.

Adding New Goal 

As a user (coach), I want to be add a new goal to the action plan.

Option to Update Goal / Add New Step

As a user (coach), I want to be given the option to update my goals or given the option to add coordinating steps. 

As a user (coach), I want to be able to save a new step to the coordinating goal.

Adding New Step to Goal 

As a user (coach), I want to be given the option to update a step or the option to add a coordinating text message.

Option to Add Text Message to Goal 

As a user (coach), I want to be able to schedule a new text message.

Adding New Text Message to Goal 

As a user (coach), I want to be able to update a new text message.

Ability to Edit Text Message for the Goal 

MEDAPulse Mockups

By Brittany Martin

MEDAPulse Mockups

Mockups for the MEDAPulse app

  • 1,049