Learn Rust

By making a CLI todo app

But First...Who Am I?

Technical Team Lead at Health Scholars

Worked in the IT industry for over 14 years

Including working at NASA as a systems administrator

Live-coding projects and fun visualizations on Twitch.tv


  • Decide if you want to lean into Rust
  • Be inspired to learn and create something in Rust

What is Rust?

  • General purpose programming language
  • No longer billed as a systems programming language
  • Strongly Typed
  • Great community
  • Modern tools

Why Rust?

  • Fun to use*
  • Capable of doing almost everything
  • Possible being a big language in the future
  • A great challenge
  • First class citizens (testing, documentation, etc.)

The Project

Live Coding

  • As a doer, I want to see all my tasks
  • As a doer, I want to add a new task
  • As a doer, I want to mark a task as completed
  • As a doer, I want to delete a task

Resources for Learning Rust


Where to find me

  • https://twitch.tv/brookzerker
  • https://twitter.com/brooks_patton
  • https://github.com/brookspatton

Learn Rust by Building a CLI Todo App

By Brooks Patton

Learn Rust by Building a CLI Todo App

This is the slide deck for a Rust meetup talk about learning Rust. You can watch Brooks stream live on Twitch tv, often about programming in Rust at https://www.twitch.tv/brookzerker.

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